Confidentiality  13/14 

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Building Family Partnerships


Immunization records (CIS form) are part of a child’s health records. All medical information is confidential and must be kept in a secure area out of the general view of parents and others, but easily available to staff. Children’s files and immunization records (WAC 170-295-7010) must be kept on-site for one year after the child leaves the program

Immunization records (CIS form) are part of a child’s health records. All medical information is confidential and must be kept in a secure area out of the general view of parents and others, but easily available to staff. Children’s files and immunization records (WAC 170-295-7010) must be kept on-site for one year after the child leaves the program

After treating an injury, remember to enter the necessary information in the center’s Accident/Incident Log and complete an incident report for the child’s parents to sign and keep. Keep a copy of the incident report in the child’s file at the center.

After treating an injury, remember to enter the necessary information in the center’s Accident/Incident Log and complete an incident report for the child’s parents to sign and keep. Keep a copy of the incident report in the child’s file at the center.

Anecdotal records should be kept in a child’s file, or portfolio. WAC 170-295-2080 states that you must have written documentation signed by the parent in each child’s file stating that you have “advised the parent of the child’s progress and issues relating to the child’s care”. This may include documentation that they have received written observations or assessments, reviewed a child’s portfolio (a collected sample of their work), or attended a parent-teacher conference.

Anecdotal records should be kept in a child’s file, or portfolio. WAC 170-295-2080 states that you must have written documentation signed by the parent in each child’s file stating that you have “advised the parent of the child’s progress and issues relating to the child’s care”. This may include documentation that they have received written observations or assessments, reviewed a child’s portfolio (a collected sample of their work), or attended a parent-teacher conference.

Dietary restrictions and nutrition requirements for particular children should be posted where staff can see. 

 Dietary restrictions and nutrition requirements for particular children should be posted where staff can see. 

Some records must travel with children when they leave the premises, for example, emergency medical consent forms. You might want to have parents sign two emergency medical consent forms when they enroll their child, one on a full-sized sheet of paper to be kept on file at the center, and one on an index card to be carried along with the child when he or she is away from the center.  

Some records must travel with children when they leave the premises, for example, emergency medical consent forms. You might want to have parents sign two emergency medical consent forms when they enroll their child, one on a full-sized sheet of paper to be kept on file at the center, and one on an index card to be carried along with the child when he or she is away from the center.  
Revised 6/14/2013

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Building Family Partnerships

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