Behavior Management Introduction to Child Guidance Techniques

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Student Information

Select the Correct Response

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Let’s Review Your Responses

How Many Did You Get Correct?

a. Select all of the items that are examples of corporal punishment.

Any form of corporal punishment is against licensing regulations.

Inappropriate forms of discipline are a source of stress and anxiety for children. It makes them feel badly about themselves, angry at the caregiver and afraid of being punished again. There are times when you will be genuinely angry at a child. Whenever you express your anger at what a child does, it is important that you make it clear you are angry at the child’s behavior, not the child as a person. Do not let your anger be an excuse to be out of control, abusing the child either physically or verbally.

You must not:
  • Shame a child
  • Call a child names
  • Shout at a child
  • Ridicule a child in front of a group
  • Allow the group to make fun of a child
  • Put an older child in a playpen, crib, or high chair
  • Make a child wear a dunce cap
  • Make a child put his face against the wall
  • Spank a child or slap a child’s hand
  • Bite children
  • Withhold food

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Select the Correct Response

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Let’s Review Your Responses

b. Time-out should never be more than _____minute(/s) for each year of child’s age. 

The correct response is 1 minute for each year of child's age.

Time out is an intervention method for responding to extreme behavior. Many child development specialists discourage its use and some programs do not allow it because it is often used incorrectly or used too often. The goal of a time out is to help the child gain self-control and change their behavior. It should not be used as a punishment.

Having a child sit down for a while is NOT a substitute for problem-solving.

It is essential that you return to children after they have regained self-control and discuss the problem. Help children figure out what they can do differently next time.
Time out is NOT appropriate for infants or toddlers.

It is appropriate only after children have some sense of how to help themselves (usually around 36 months).
You Have Provided an Incorrect Answer 

b. Time-out should never be more than _____minute(/s) for each year of child’s age. 

The correct response is 1 minute for each year of child's age.

Time out is an intervention method for responding to extreme behavior. Many child development specialists discourage its use and some programs do not allow it because it is often used incorrectly or used too often. The goal of a time out is to help the child gain self-control and change their behavior. It should not be used as a punishment.

Having a child sit down for a while is NOT a substitute for problem-solving. 

It is essential that you return to children after they have regained self-control and discuss the problem. Help children figure out what they can do differently next time.
Time out is NOT appropriate for infants or toddlers.

It is appropriate only after children have some sense of how to help themselves (usually around 36 months).

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Select True or False

a.       Which of the following would be an acceptable child guidance technique?

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Let’s Review Your Responses

True Responses 
The following are acceptable child guidance techniques:

c.  Limit choices
h. Redirect to a different activity
m. Role play with puppets
n. Modify the environment

The purpose of discipline is to help children learn basic human values and problem solving skills, and to take responsibility for their own actions. 

Guidance is teaching a child what TO DO instead of focusing on what not to do.

Because children learn from their everyday experiences, it is important that you respond to their behavior in respectful, developmentally appropriate and emotionally safe ways.

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