Business Results and Share Your Story

Business Results
Tell Us About Yourself

Example: The Perfect Lemonade 

Example: 101 Main Street or "in front of our local store"

Let's Crunch the Numbers!

Example: If you have a small cup for $1.00 and a large cup for $1.50

$(# of Cups sold x Price 1 per cup) + $(# of Cups sold x Price 2 per cup) = Lemonade Sales

Revenue from other non-lemonade items

Lemonade Sales + Other Revenue + Tips = Total Revenue

$(include interest paid)

$(Total Revenue - Total Expenses) = Profit
What about your goals?

Please enter a $ amount

Share Your Story 
Tell us your Lemonade Day story!
Be sure to include the following:
  • Why did you do Lemonade Day?
  • Tell us about your business - Location, Recipe, Theme Slogan, Advertising
  • Was your stand successful?
  • What did you do well and what would you do differently next time?
  • Now that you're an entrepreneur, what's next for you?

Contest Information

The following information and approval must be provided by a parent or guardian.