SF Zero Waste policies compliance report form

Staff will contact the property or event to offer a friendly reminder about the City’s zero waste requirements and resources for compliance.

You may choose to report anonymously. Your contact information will be confidential unless you indicate otherwise.

Choose all that apply. Required fields are marked with an asterisk*.

The more fields completed, the more likely we can help. Please submit only one form per business, residence or event that needs compliance assistance.

Business zero waste policies

Optional reading: Recycling and Composting Requirements

Optional reading: Checkout Bag Ordinance. (Charge does not apply to EBT, WIC, SNAP, and food stamp program transactions).

Optional reading: Plastic, Litter, and Toxics Reduction Ordinance
Apartment/ Multifamily Building zero waste policies

Optional reading: Recycling and Composting Requirements
Special event zero waste policies

Optional reading: Event Recycling & Composting

For other issues, please call 311 or submit a request at SF311.org.

Person SFE should contact

For example, what's the name of the owner, property manager, or resident manager? If this information is not provided, it will take more time to process your request.

For example, what's the name of the owner, property manager, or resident manager? If this information is not provided, it will take more time to process your request.

If this information is not provided, we cannot process your request.

Your contact details