The New Museum Digital Archive preserves, catalogs, and shares a broad range of digital material created by the Museum that documents artworks, exhibitions, events, people, and activities. Select material from this rich platform is available for publication, reproduction, research, and other uses according to the terms outlined below.
Please use this form to request high-quality images and other materials for reproduction and use.
*Note that requests can take up to a minimum of two weeks depending on the nature of your request. The New Museum does not oversee licensing for any of its images.
Digital Object Information
Please provide descriptive information about the digital objects you are requesting, including your preferred format for each object requested. This information is provided on the New Museum Digital Archive: To request more than ten objects from the Digital Archive, please email
Obtain Identifier #s at the New Museum Digital Archive Web site.
check one
Project Information
Please tell us as much information about your project as possible. Missing information may cause delays.
By submitting this form the requester agrees to the following terms and conditions:
- Permission is granted for one-time, non-exclusive use only. Any subsequent use of the image(s) provided by the New Museum must be requested in writing. Additional fees may apply. The digital object(s) may not be loaned, sold, or given to any other agency, person, or organization.
- Full documentation credit, as supplied by New Museum, must appear in immediate proximity to the reproduction, or in the section devoted to credits. Abbreviations are not permitted. Whenever possible, the photographer’s name, artist name, date, and exhibition information must be included in the credit line.
- New Museum digital material shall not be used to show or imply New Museum’s endorsement of any commercial product or enterprise, or to indicate that the New Museum concurs with the opinions expressed in any text that accompanies the material or confirms the accuracy of it.
- In providing access to digital object(s), the New Museum does not surrender or otherwise limit its own right to publish or to grant others access to the digital object(s).
- Copyright for reproduction of digital material may also be retained by the artist or other parties. It is the responsibility of the requester to determine and obtain any additional permission requirements from individuals, organizations, or other legal entities, and to pay any and all fees required for the reproduction of copyrighted materials.
- The New Museum assumes no responsibility for resolving questions concerning copyright. In requesting digital materials from the New Museum Digital Archive, the requester assumes all responsibility for any copyright infringement under USC Title 17 that may arise through the use of the requested image(s) and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the New Museum and its agents against all claims, demands, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, incurred as a result of alleged or actual copyright infringement or other legal or regulatory cause of action arising from the use of materials held by the New Museum.
- One gratis copy of the finished work must be sent to the New Museum at the time of completion:
New Museum
C/O Digital Archivist
235 Bowery
New York, NY 10002
- Send digital copies to: