Beekmantown CSD Building & Facilities Use Form

Permit Conditions

This form permits use by school employees to request building use during school, after school, or weekend activities directly associated with the arts, academic or athletic programs of the school district. Examples of such activities include school dances, concerts, club practices/performances, programs performed by and for the student body. This includes use of the auditorium, gym facilities, classrooms, cafeteria, grounds, and the courtyard. 

This form also permits use by school employees or community groups to request building use after school hours or on weekends for permitted uses under NYS Education school law. Areas of the school site that could be involved include classrooms, auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums, grounds, and courtyards.

This request form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the Buildings & Grounds Department a minimum of two weeks in advance of the requested event start date. The district will also require a certificate of insurance to be filed, as per Board policy # 1500 and 1222.

Financial: Fees for use, based on "Beekmantown CSD Building Use Fee Schedule as of 7/1/2017 (click here for Fee Schedule), are payable to Beekmantown Central School District before the date of the event.  In addition, any extraordinary expenses associated with the requested use (additional custodial services requiring overtime, equipment/supplies, A/V support, damages, etc.) will be assessed and billed after the event.

The undersigned organization agrees to be responsible for all costs associated with the use of district facilities. Payment for custodial and/or other extraordinary fees must be made within (30) thirty days after date of billing. Questions regarding billing may be directed to the School Business Executive at 563-8250 Ext. 5508.

Supervision: Such parts of the building as may be opened shall be monitored by the On-Site Group Supervisor using the facilities as to prevent smoking, to prevent disorder, and to prevent the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or the use or possession of illegal drugs. (For further clarification of these restrictions please refer to the Code of Conduct.

Important: The On-Site Group Supervisor must keep all persons from entering any other part of the building except that which is assigned in the permit.

Hours of Use: Buildings may be used from 7:00 am to 12:00 midnight, excluding school hours.

Property Damage: The walls, doors and windows are not to be disfigured or soiled. Nails, screws, hooks, etc. are not to be driven into, or affixed, to plaster or wood portions of the building or in the floor. Tape or other adhesives are not to be used on whiteboards or chalkboards.

 Approval Process

The following approval process is intended to assist individuals/organizations in understanding how a building use request is completely processed.

Step 1: A Facilities Use Form is completed and submitted to the Buildings & Grounds Department.

Step 2: The Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds will review the application and determine fee charges and, if applicable, anticipated custodian service charges. The requester will be notified of this information by email.

Step 3: Approved applications are placed on the district’s facilities use calendar for a period of (5) five days pending district receipt of applicable fees. Any additional extraordinary fees associated with the event will be expected within (30) thirty days after date of billing. Questions regarding billing may be directed to the School Business Executive at 563-8250 Ext. 5508.

Step 4: Once applicable fees are received by the district, the confirmation that the event and the date of the event on the district facilities use calendar have been approved will be sent by email.

Contact Information

Planned Activity


To verify that the space being requested is not in conflict with a previously scheduled event, please consult the following calendar links:

Building and Facilities Use Calendar

Full Year Athletic Calendar

Supporting Services

Hold Harmless Agreement