Refer-A-Friend — App Fee Voucher

Let's get your application fee waived!

Excited about your ILP trip and want to share it with your friends? Doing that will save you $30! Pretty cool huh? Just let us know the contact info for 4 of your friends and we'll waive that application fee for you.

We'll be getting in touch with them to say "Hey, your friend _______ is applying to volunteer with us and shared your contact info in case you wanted to learn more about it and see if it's something you're also interested in". So it's a really good idea if you give them a head's up first.

Please make sure to put real friend's names down — if your rep sees you submitted 4 names and initially says your app fee will be waived, but then goes to contact them and realizes they're bogus names (we see you putting celebrity's names!), your app gets held up because now you'll have to come back and pay your app fee. It's a whole thing and your application will move through a lot quicker if you put real friends here. Cool?

Use the same email that you've already given to ILP in all lower-case letters
My friends that might be interested in learning about ILP



