Educational Field Trip Application Form

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We help with the cost for Lambeth-resident pupils from low income households so that they may participate fully in school trips:
  • Grants may not be used to reduce the costs of the trip for every child but instead should be used to subsidise the costs of those for whom cost is genuinely a barrier to participation.
  • The School should ensure through its own budget (or other sources) that no child eligible to participate will be left behind because of inability to pay.
  • We only accept applications for children Key Stage 2 and above (i.e., Early Years and Key Stage 1 classes are ineligible to apply).
  • The School should be certain that those children who have chosen not to participate in the educational field trip have opted out for reasons other than financial concerns.
  • The School should have a stated policy that it is the School’s expectation that all eligible children participate in educational field trips and that these trips form part of the broader curriculum.
  • Schools should have a system where children begin paying in instalments well in advance of the educational field trip taking place.
  • The costs of the trip should be reasonable.
  • Applications should be submitted at least 16 weeks before date of trip.
  • We can only award a bursary of up to 50% of the actual cost a standard parent is paying (up to a maximum of £180 per Pupil Premium student). However, the average pay-out is around £120 per Pupil Premium and we will strongly take into consideration that trips be value-for-money.  The full bursary must be passed onto the Lambeth resident pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. 
    • EXAMPLE: A school is organising a 4 day trip that will cost the school £300 per pupil.  Through PTA fundraising, the school is able to subsidise the trip to ALL parents so that a full-paying parent only pays £250.  The Foundation can then contribute up to 50% of this cost as a bursary for children eligible for Pupil Premium.  In this example, the Foundation could contribute £125 towards the school trip, so that the Pupil Premium parent would only pay £125.

    Additional senior contact for the application

    This contact must be different from the person completing the form. This should be the Head. If the Head is the person completing the form, then it should be the Bursar, Office Manager or an Assistant Head.

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    Please note, funding must be targeted at pupils on Free School Meals and low income families.
    As part of our criteria:
    • The School should have a stated policy to ensure through its own budget (or other sources) that no child eligible to participate will be left behind because of inability to pay.
    • The School should be certain that those children who have chosen not to participate in the educational field trip have opted out for reasons other than financial ones.

    Remember we look for assurance that no child is left behind for financial reasons

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    Payee Account Name has a maximum of 18 characters length


    Please attach relevant documentation below

    By clicking SUBMIT below:
    • I certify that the information I have given in this application is complete and correct. (Please note that a decision will be based on the information given on this form. If a grant is awarded and the information is subsequently found to be incorrect, any grant that had been awarded could be withdrawn and you could be asked to repay any monies already paid).
    • I have submitted all outstanding monitoring reports from previous field trips.
    • The school has no objection to the data contained in this application being held by the Walcot Foundation.