Approved Education Provider (AEP) Application

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Instructions for Completion and Submittal

  1. Complete each section of the form and attach any required documents, as applicable.
  2. All fields are required, unless otherwise stated.
  3. You may select "Save my progress and resume later" at any time.  This action will require you to enter your email and create a password.  At your next log-in, you will select "Resume a previously saved form” and enter the same email and password you used to save the form.  For quick retrieval you may want to bookmark this web form page.
  4. You may add more than one course material to review.  Select "Add another course" in the bottom right corner of the field-set titled AEP Course Materials for Review.
  5. Contact the Manager, Education at if you have any questions or encounter any issues.

Account Manager/Billing Information
Use this section to designate the person responsible for account log-in and payment authorization credentials.

Designate an account manager with authority to make credit card payments.

Must be the primary email of the designated contact/account manager.
Account Manager/Billing Information
Use this section to designate the person responsible for account log-in and payment authorization credentials.

Designate an account manager with authority to make credit card payments.

Must be the primary email of the designated contact/account manager.
Account Manager/Billing Information
Use this section to designate the person responsible for account log-in and payment authorization credentials.

Designate an account manager with authority to make credit card payments.

Must be the primary email of the designated contact/account manager.
Account Manager/Billing Information
Use this section to designate the person responsible for account log-in and payment authorization credentials.

Designate an account manager with authority to make credit card payments.

Must be the primary email of the designated contact/account manager.
Account Manager/Billing Information
Use this section to designate the person responsible for account log-in and payment authorization credentials.

Designate an account manager with authority to make credit card payments.

Must be the primary email of the designated contact/account manager.
Account Manager/Billing Information
Use this section to designate the person responsible for account log-in and payment authorization credentials.

Designate an account manager with authority to make credit card payments.

Must be the primary email of the designated contact/account manager.
Fee Schedule
AACE website listing should appear as follows:
This information will be listed on our website upon approval of your application.
$3,500.00 - for one fee, you may offer unlimited courses listed and maintained on your website, which will allow control over your content and showcase the most current course information.  You may use AACE International's AEP logo (provided separately after your application is approved) on your website and course materials which have been registered with and approved by AACE International.  

We will list your company on our website, in an alphabetical format.  The listing will include your:
  • Logo
  • Company name
  • Website link
  • Country
  • A 150-word company description & overview (see website for sample descriptions)
Yes No

Company Overview & Verification 
This information will provide verification that your company is qualified to offer educational courses and that it has been teaching for a least one year.  For any AACE certification review courses, you must provide verification that the course instructor(s) actively holds the certification.  Samples of company verification may include your business charter, articles of incorporation, proof of accreditation by an appropriate accrediting body or evidence of proprietorship.  Samples of teaching verification may be a list of attendees from a course taught at least one year prior to application, or some other authenticated verification.

List the subjects and timeline to be covered.

AEP Course Materials For Review 
Use this section to describe your course & materials and so it can be applied to Total Cost Management Framework and Recommended Practice 11R-88: Required Skills and Knowledge of a Cost Engineer. 

Your summary should provide a high level overview of the course.
What should the student should be able to do after the course?
What can the student expect to learn from this course?
Who will benefit from the course?
Outline or Agenda
This will list the subject to be covered and timeline of the instruction.

List the subjects and timeline to be covered.

This will list the breakdown of each teaching section. The Syllabus is critical and will serve as the key document for mapping the course to the TCM Framework.  Please provide sufficient detail to fully describe the course offering (PowerPoint slides or other presentation media are not accepted in lieu of a syllabus).  

List breakdown of each teaching section to be covered with sufficient detail to fully describe the course offering (PowerPoint slides or other presentation media are not accepted in lieu of a syllabus).

This will list who is teaching your course and assess if they are qualified.  You must provide a resume or CV for each instructor to verify their qualifications to teach the course. REMINDER: If the course is for a certification review course, the instructor must actively hold the certification.

List each instructor and their qualifications to teach the course.

PowerPoint and Class Handout
Use this section to provide your course presentation and handouts if you teach an AACE certification review course (CCP, PSP, etc).  Reminder: the instructor must actively hold the certification.

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Criteria for Participation:

1.       In order to register and maintain active status in the Approved Education Provider (AEP) program, each AEP must adhere to the following criteria.

Criterion 1: Organizational Responsibilities

1.1. AEP status is granted exclusively to proven project controls education providers who are aligned with AACE core values, with mature business practices and courses aligned with AACE's Body of Knowledge. AACE retains the right to deny any application that does not comply with program rules and criteria.

1.2. AEP must adhere to the AACE International Canons of Ethics in the conduct of their courses.

1.3. AEP may offer AACE certification preparatory courses only upon the review and approval of the syllabus and slide presentation by AACE’s Education Board.

1.4. AEPs are prohibited from delivering AACE examinations through computer-based testing, or any other delivery mode. Therefore, if a company applying to become a testing center that delivers AACE certification exams or is in the process of becoming a testing center or plans to become a testing center in the future, the details of such must be disclosed to AACE International. Failure to comply shall disqualify the company from the AEP program and may be subject to ethics violations. 

1.5.  Attendance records for each course must be maintained for at least two years.

 Criterion 2: Course Development and Content

2.1. Registered courses offered must be relevant to the field of project and cost management and controls and mapped to the current editions of the Total Cost Management (TCM) Framework and Recommended Practices (RP). 

2.2. Registered courses should be designed around clearly identified, measurable learning outcomes. All course materials should have and follow the outline/syllabus in a clear and logical manner.

2.3. AEPs must abide by applicable intellectual property law as well as the terms and restrictions for use of AACE trademarks and copyrighted material.


Criterion 3: Course Delivery and Instructor Evaluation

3.1. AEP may offer AACE certification preparatory courses only upon the review and approval of course presentation, syllabus, and any other course materials by AACE’s Education Board.

3.2. AEP’s instructors must possess at least one of the following qualifications: AACE certification, formal education, experience, or other recognized credential appropriate for the subject matter.

3.3. AEP must ensure that all AACE certification preparatory courses are taught by instructors currently holding the requisite credential (i.e., only a current CCP holder can teach a CCP preparatory course). 


Criterion 4: Awarding of Continuing Education Units (CEU)

4.1. AEPs must calculate the CEU value of each course or educational product delivered via classroom or distance learning instructional methodologies using current industry methods of contact hour equivalencies listed below.

       4.1.1. Courses shall be assigned 0.1 CEU for each contact hour of instructional interaction. One full CEU (1.0) is issued for every ten hours of a planned, structured learning activity.

       4.1.2. No course pre-work or homework assignments may be eligible for CEUs.

       4.1.3. Meal times must be deducted in calculating total instructional interaction time.

       4.1.4. Courses must be eligible for at least 0.1 CEU.

4.2. AEP must present each attendee with a certificate of completion or a letter supporting the attendee’s   participation. The certificate or letter must include the course title, course number if applicable, date of   completion, and the number of continuing education units (CEU) earned during the course.


Criterion 5: Course Evaluation, Improvement, and Maintenance

5.1. Substantive participant comments included in post-course evaluations must be considered when making necessary improvements to the course. AEP will provide completed post-course evaluations to AACE upon request to ensure attendees’ satisfaction.

5.2. AEP must have a process in place for continuously improving their courses based on student evaluations, external audits, course changes, or other monitoring methods.


Criterion 6: Marketing

6.1. The AEP logo can only be used in conjunction with those courses that have been submitted and approved by the AACE International Education Board.  

6.2. AEP must abide by the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act and equivalent laws of the international community when marketing to AACE members and certification holders. AEP must provide the option to opt out of future mailings in a timely manner. 


Criterion 7: AACE Intellectual Property (IP) Usage

7.1.  AACE reserves all rights to publish and use, and to license others to publish and use, AACE IP and any portion thereof, in any manner whatsoever and in any location without restriction. AEP hereby acknowledges and agrees that AACE is the sole and exclusive owner of AACE IP and the title to and ownership of AACE IP shall remain with AACE International.

7.2. AEP shall be granted a license to use designated AACE IP by participating in the program. AEPs are required to use up to 10 pre-selected figures from the TCM Framework or RPs in their approved course material.

7.3. Permission is granted for the term of this Agreement, and shall cease upon expiration or termination of this Agreement unless renewed by the parties in writing. The AACE licensed material may only be used in AEP courses approved by AACE’s Education Board. No right to sublicense AEP course materials to third parties is granted as part of the AEP application and agreement.

7.4. AEP may not share or distribute courseware containing AACE IP to any third parties, without prior written consent from AACE. Permitted use does not include the right to grant others permission    photocopy or otherwise reproduce the material except for versions of the work created by non-profit organizations for use by visually or physically handicapped persons.

7.5. To the extent that the AACE IP is incorporated into courses made available to students via the internet, AEP agrees that AACE licensed material will not be displayed on a website accessible to the general  public; all such AEP online courses containing AACE licensed material must be posted to password protected areas of the AEP’s website.

7.6. Appropriate credit to AACE's copyrighted material must be provided, either on the first page of the quoted text or in the figure legend. 

7.7. Fee Schedule - 3 levels of AACE Intellectual Property for AEPs


      Affiliate Education Provider - unlimited number of courses offered in AEP directory, and a nontransferable license to unlimited use of AACE IP = fee based on desired IP usage


       Approved Education Provider – unlimited number of courses offered in AEP directory and a nontransferable license to reproduce 10 of 15 preselected figures and five excerpts from the most current editions of AACE IP = $3,500

       Academic Education Provider - providers of not-for-profit training (universities, government agencies, internal corporate providers) = $1,500

Agreement to Sign

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