Capital Lynk Funding Application

In order to assist us in locating the proper funding source for your business, please provide us or validate the information below.

The physical address of your business location.

Please insert your 5 digit zip code.

Please insert your 5 digit zip code.

Please enter the mailing address of your business if it is physical from your physical address.

Please enter the mailing city of your business if it is physical from your physical address.

Please enter the mailing state of your business if it is physical from your physical address.

Please enter the 5-digit mailing ZIP code of your business if it is physical from your physical address.

Please enter the 5-digit mailing ZIP code of your business if it is physical from your physical address.

Please provide a description of the products or services your business offers.

For assistance you can call: 1-866-903-5012 Ext. 304 or email:

Capital Lynk Funding Application

In order to assist us in locating the proper funding source for your business, please provide us or validate the information below.

Please enter your business' 9-digit Federal Tax ID number in the specified format.

Please enter your business' 9-digit Federal Tax ID number in the specified format.

Please insert the state where your business was incorporated in.

Please insert your business's type of entity.

Search date using calendar, or manually type date in the format MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 11/26/2005). Please note that this date is for when the business was established, not when you began ownership of the business.

Search using the pop-up calendar, or type in the date you started ownership of the business using the format MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 11/26/2005).

On average, how much does your business make each month on credit card sales?

As filed on the income tax return for the year 2019.

Please provide a rough estimate of your business's projected gross sales for 2020.

Have you filed your most recent tax return (2019)?

Do you own another business or location?
Other Business/Location Information

Please insert your 5 digit zip code.

Please insert your 5 digit zip code.

Please insert your business's type of entity.

For assistance you can call: 1-866-903-5012 Ext. 304 or email: