Activate Youth and Multigenerational Journeys - Registration

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UU College of Social Justice

This form is for both youth and adults registering for Activate Justice Journeys. If you are a youth under the age of 18, you must complete this form with the support of a parent or guardian. If you have any questions about the form, please contact

Applicant Information

Please use a format such as 05/27/1975

If you are currently between grades, select the grade you were in during the previous school year.
Parent/Guardian and Emergency Contact Information


All participants: Please enter an Emergency Contact and their contact information


Demographic Information - Providing this information does not have any impact on your acceptance into the program.

Religious Affiliation

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

If your congregation is not listed, select other

Language Fluency

Short Answers - Please answer the following questions in detail, with at least 3-5 sentences each.

Reference Information

As part of the application process, we may contact a personal reference. If you attend a UU or other religious congregation, we request that this reference be your minister, a religious educator, or other congregational leader. If you do not attend a congregation, this reference should be an adult who is not a relative, and who can speak to your personality and leadership development. Teachers, coaches, and supervisors are all good options. 

Please ask an adult to serve as a reference for you and share their information below. 



Trip Requirements
Please read the following carefully and check that you understand and agree below.

1.) I acknowledge that as a participant in this program, I am committed to carefully reviewing and following all UUCSJ rules and regulations and that I will actively uphold a covenant created with others in the group once the program begins.
2.) I acknowledge my understanding that this Activate Journey is a rigorous experiential learning program that requires my full participation in group activities, community building, and reflection.
3.) I acknowledge that I have had a tetanus shot within 9 years of the program start date, or will have one before the program begins. 
4.) I acknowledge that I have health insurance that covers me in the program destination for the duration of the program, and I am willing to share my insurance details with UUCSJ in advance of the program. 
5.) I acknowledge that UUCSJ strongly recommends that in advance of my program I review the Center for Disease Control's immunization recommendations for the program destination.
6.) I acknowledge that I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or I will be before the program begins. I will follow the COVID-19 protocols of UUCSJ and our partners.
7.) I acknowledge that, if traveling internationally, I am required to have a current passport and possibly a visa prior to the program start date, and that obtaining those documents is my responsibility.