Child Care Basics – Module 6: Does this Practice Comply or Not Comply? - Updated April 1, 2017

Question 1

Following is a list of practices you may have seen or done yourself as you care for children.  Decide if this practice complies or does not comply with health policy guidelines. 

Scenario of a care provider’s practice

Question 1 Review

Review Your Responses

a. Teacher Francie has been playing with the toddlers outdoors.  She brings them indoors for snack time and immediately begins setting the table.

The correct response is "Does Not Comply"

WAC 3020 Center: Staff must wash hands with soap and warm water after being outdoors or involved in outdoor play

You Have Provided an Incorrect Answer 
a. Teacher Francie has been playing with the toddlers outdoors.  She brings them indoors for snack time and immediately begins setting the table.

The correct response is "Does Not Comply"

WAC 3020 Center: Staff must wash hands with soap and warm water after being outdoors or involved in outdoor play

Question 2

Scenario of a care provider’s practice

Question 2 Review

Review Your Responses


b. Child José becomes ill at preschool.  He complains of an earache and he feels warm when his Teacher Sandy feels his forehead.  Sandy calls Jose’s family to come get him, notifies her Director, and records the illness in the center’s log.


The correct response is "Complies"


WA 3030: “When a child becomes ill keep a confidential, individualized written record.”  See Illness Log on page 131 of Center Guidebook, and page 5.10-11 of the FHCC Guide

You Have Provided an Incorrect Answer 

b. Child José becomes ill at preschool.  He complains of an earache and he feels warm when his Teacher Sandy feels his forehead.  Sandy calls Jose’s family to come get him, notifies her Director, and records the illness in the center’s log.

The correct response is "Complies"


WA 3030: “When a child becomes ill keep a confidential, individualized written record.”  See Illness Log on page 131 of Center Guidebook, and page 5.10-11 of the FHCC Guide

Question 3

Scenario of a care provider’s practice

Question 3 Review

Review Your Responses


c. Teacher Henry sends a note home informing families that the extra clothing supply is running low.  He encourages families to make certain their child has an extra set of clothes in their cubby, and states that contributions to the classroom supply is always welcomed.


The correct response is "Complies"

WAC 4140: “Extra clothing is required to be made available.”

You Have Provided an Incorrect Answer 

c. Teacher Henry sends a note home informing families that the extra clothing supply is running low.  He encourages families to make certain their child has an extra set of clothes in their cubby, and states that contributions to the classroom supply is always welcomed.


The correct response is "Complies"

WAC 4140: “Extra clothing is required to be made available.”

Question 4

Scenario of a care provider’s practice

Question 4 Review

Review Your Responses


d.  Jasmine is in a hurry dropping off her daughter.  As she is leaving she asks her family home child care provider, Sophia, to give her daughter morning and afternoon dosages of an antibiotic prescription.  Sophia has seen this prescription before and assures Jasmine that her daughter is in good care.


The correct response is "Does not comply".


WAC 3050: “Parents must give written consent – child’s name, name of medication, reason, amount, how often, dates, side effects, storage.” See pages 138 and 139 of Center Guidebook, and pages 5.18-23 of the FHCC Guide.

You Have Provided an Incorrect Answer 

d.  Jasmine is in a hurry dropping off her daughter.  As she is leaving she asks her family home child care provider, Sophia, to give her daughter morning and afternoon dosages of an antibiotic prescription.  Sophia has seen this prescription before and assures Jasmine that her daughter is in good care.

The correct response is "Does not comply".


WAC 3050: “Parents must give written consent – child’s name, name of medication, reason, amount, how often, dates, side effects, storage.” See pages 138 and 139 of Center Guidebook, and pages 5.18-23 of the FHCC Guide.