Child Care Basics – Module 6  * Mandatory Reporting Updated June 1, 2016

Indicate if the statement is true or false.

That's Right! The answer is True.

Sexual abuse is a continuum of behaviors ranging from such acts as flashing, showing pornographic pictures to children to fondling, rape and incest. (These statistics were established by Russell, 1984; Wyatt, 1985; Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, and Smith, 1990; Elliot and Briere, 1995.)

It is believed that there is an under-reporting of sexual abuse by male victims. Finkelhor believes this under-reporting by males is a result of sex-role stereotypes and homophobia that won’t be easily changed. Of course, we hope that prevention efforts will reduce the likelihood of abuse for future generations.

Actually, the answer is True.

Sexual abuse is a continuum of behaviors ranging from such acts as flashing, showing pornographic pictures to children to fondling, rape and incest. (These statistics were established by Russell, 1984; Wyatt, 1985; Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, and Smith, 1990; Elliot and Briere, 1995.)

It is believed that there is an under-reporting of sexual abuse by male victims. Finkelhor believes this under-reporting by males is a result of sex-role stereotypes and homophobia that won’t be easily changed. Of course, we hope that prevention efforts will reduce the likelihood of abuse for future generations.


That's Right! The answer is True.

80-95 % of child molesters are known to the victim. Relatives constituted half of these offenders. Teenagers represented up to 40% of the offenders. (Elliott & Briere, 1994; Gomes-Schwartz, Horowitz, & Cardarelli, 1990.) This has implication for personal safety education. (Need to talk about more than stranger danger.) The highest risk for victimization is before the age of 10. (Summit, 1980; Finkelhor, 1981; Russell, 1983; Badgley Commission, 1984.)

Actually, the answer is True.

80-95 % of child molesters are known to the victim. Relatives constituted half of these offenders. Teenagers represented up to 40% of the offenders. (Elliott & Briere, 1994; Gomes-Schwartz, Horowitz, & Cardarelli, 1990.) This has implication for personal safety education. (Need to talk about more than stranger danger.) The highest risk for victimization is before the age of 10. (Summit, 1980; Finkelhor, 1981; Russell, 1983; Badgley Commission, 1984.)


That's Right! The answer is False.

In a study conducted in 1990 by the Washington Association Concerned with School Age Parents (WACSAP), 66% of the sample had experienced molestation, attempted rape or rape. The average age at first molestation was 9 years 4 months. The average age of the offender was 27 years 4 months. There were 535 young women in the study. 

Actually, the answer is False.

In a study conducted in 1990 by the Washington Association Concerned with School Age Parents (WACSAP), 66% of the sample had experienced molestation, attempted rape or rape. The average age at first molestation was 9 years 4 months. The average age of the offender was 27 years 4 months. There were 535 young women in the study. 


The answer is True and False. 

The Study of National Incidence and Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect, 1988, found that children living in households with incomes under $15,000 were five time more likely to be abused and neglected than those in homes with a higher income level. In Washington, 45% of families reported to CPS are on public assistance. It seems clear that poverty has a profound impact on the self esteem, stress levels, isolation and coping skills of a family. Sexual abuse, however, crosses all economic groups. There is also a concern that perhaps “indulgence” may be as damaging as many other forms of abuse.


That's Right! The answer is False.

Abusive parents may have been abused as children, but you cannot say that abused children become abusive parents. We do not hear much about those who do not repeat their family patterns and have dealt with their abuse without dealing with a “system” and therefore are not included in the data. CPS statistics from Washington indicate that 20-45% of physically abusive parents were themselves physically abused as children. 30-60% of male sex offenders report being sexually abused as children. The causes of child abuse and neglect seem to be the result of a variety of risk factors rather than the influence of one single “cause.”

Actually, the answer is False.

Abusive parents may have been abused as children, but you cannot say that abused children become abusive parents. We do not hear much about those who do not repeat their family patterns and have dealt with their abuse without dealing with a “system” and therefore are not included in the data. CPS statistics from Washington indicate that 20-45% of physically abusive parents were themselves physically abused as children. 30-60% of male sex offenders report being sexually abused as children. The causes of child abuse and neglect seem to be the result of a variety of risk factors rather than the influence of one single “cause.”


That's Right! The answer is True.

CPS units in Washington State report a dramatic increase in the number of drug related abuse and neglect cases in the last few years. In Spokane, two thirds of the families whose children were placed out of the home by the Juvenile Court to protect them from abuse and neglect had at least one parent who had a serious substance abuse problem.


Actually, the answer is True.

CPS units in Washington State report a dramatic increase in the number of drug related abuse and neglect cases in the last few years. In Spokane, two thirds of the families whose children were placed out of the home by the Juvenile Court to protect them from abuse and neglect had at least one parent who had a serious substance abuse problem.


That's Right! The answer is True.

There is a great likelihood that as battering between parents escalates, children will get hurt also. Even if these children are not physically abused, there is a great emotional toll in living in a violent, “unsafe” environment.

Actually, the answer is True.

There is a great likelihood that as battering between parents escalates, children will get hurt also. Even if these children are not physically abused, there is a great emotional toll in living in a violent, “unsafe” environment.


That's Right! The answer is False.

Less than 10% of abusers are psychotic or seriously disturbed. Poverty, social isolation, domestic violence, and substance abuse are among the more common factors which influence abuse.

Actually, the answer is False.

Less than 10% of abusers are psychotic or seriously disturbed. Poverty, social isolation, domestic violence, and substance abuse are among the more common factors which influence abuse.


That's Right! The answer is False.

CPS statistics for Washington State say that calls regarding neglect are the most common ones made. Neglect can be medical or emotional. Neglect can include failure to provide adequate food or shelter and may also include such things as leaving children unsupervised or inadequately supervised. Current thinking is that the impact of neglect may be more devastating than other forms of abuse. Unfortunately, unless they involve a very young child, CPS does not usually have the resources to get involved in these cases. With the risk assessment model they use, they respond first to situations that pose the greatest risk to the child.

Actually, the answer is False.

CPS statistics for Washington State say that calls regarding neglect are the most common ones made. Neglect can be medical or emotional. Neglect can include failure to provide adequate food or shelter and may also include such things as leaving children unsupervised or inadequately supervised. Current thinking is that the impact of neglect may be more devastating than other forms of abuse. Unfortunately, unless they involve a very young child, CPS does not usually have the resources to get involved in these cases. With the risk assessment model they use, they respond first to situations that pose the greatest risk to the child.



That's Right! The answer is False.

Child abuse must be reported immediately, but in no case longer 48 hours, according to Washington State law.

With this short timeline it is particularly important to take quick action in reporting. If a teacher suspects abuse and tells the director, principal or nurse and no report is made by that person, the teacher (or other staff member) is still responsible for reporting.

Actually, the answer is False.

Child abuse must be reported immediately, but in no case longer 48 hours, according to Washington State law.

With this short timeline it is particularly important to take quick action in reporting. If a teacher suspects abuse and tells the director, principal or nurse and no report is made by that person, the teacher (or other staff member) is still responsible for reporting.


That's Right! The answer is False.

In Washington State, out-of-home placement occurs in about 15 percent of CPS cases assigned for investigation. Approximately one third of those children are returned to parents within 60 days.

Actually, the answer is False.

In Washington State, out-of-home placement occurs in about 15 percent of CPS cases assigned for investigation. Approximately one third of those children are returned to parents within 60 days.


That's Right! The answer is True.

Most children feel that they are responsible for their abuse. This is encouraged by the offenders and is one of the reasons that abuse is difficult for a victim to disclose.

Actually, the answer is True.

Most children feel that they are responsible for their abuse. This is encouraged by the offenders and is one of the reasons that abuse is difficult for a victim to disclose.


That's Right! The answer is False.

Although this is sometimes true, many children learn to hide their feelings or to compensate for what is going on at home. What we do know is that child abuse and neglect can seriously impact a child’s emotional, social and educational development.

Actually, the answer is False.

Although this is sometimes true, many children learn to hide their feelings or to compensate for what is going on at home. What we do know is that child abuse and neglect can seriously impact a child’s emotional, social and educational development.


Why is it important to recognize our own feelings in relation to this topic?


One of the goals of this training is to provide an opportunity for participants to become more comfortable in discussing these issues. This, in turn, may assist you in relating more effectively to the variety of students you will be encountering and in working with other colleagues and community professionals to develop a plan for assisting a family to find needed resources.