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2024-2025 School Registration Form

Thank you for registering for Spotlight Education. The information you provide will help us to best serve you and your program this year.

Plan to set aside 10-20 minutes to complete this form. There is an option to save progress and resume later. If you choose to do so, it will ask you to enter in a password and send a new link to your email. You must use the most recent link sent to you in order to continue the form.

Please note that you will have a chance to review the form in its entirety before confirming your registration. You must click the CONFIRM button on the final review page in order for us to receive your registration.

Spotlight Education: Opportunities for Students & Educators

Register to become a Spotlight school and have access to the following:


·       Creative opportunities for performers, technicians and musicians

·       A wide variety of engagements and workshops utilizing local and national artists

·       Special ticket offers through Spotlight Community Tickets

Production Engagement: Full-length musical or play

·      Production Assessment Track: Formal evaluation by trained Spotlight evaluators to receive honors and educational feedback, and exclusive opportunities to participate in Spotlight Showcase.

·      Non-Assessment Track: Workshop during the rehearsal process to work with your students in an area of your choosing.

Theater educators and artistic staff

·       A network of theater educators across the state

·       Professional teaching artists

·       Unpacking the Show guides for popular high school productions 

·       Special ticket offers through Spotlight Community Tickets

·       Professional development opportunities hosted by Hennepin Arts and Perpich Center for Arts Education

Participation Fees
Payment is dependent on participation in the Production Assessment Track or the Non-Assessment Track. See the breakdown below.
  • Spotlight Education Non-Assessment Track - $50
  • Spotlight Education Production Assessment Track: One production evaluated - $125
At the end of this form, you may choose to pay with a credit card or via invoice. Once your registration is received, an invoice* will be sent to the primary contact listed or your credit card payment will be processed.

*Scholarships are available. Please contact Spotlight Education at spotlighteducation@hennepinarts.org for more information.
Production Engagement: Two Tracks

Don't know your plans? Not sure if you'll do a show? Select the Non-Assessment Track and contact Spotlight Education at spotlighteducation@hennepinarts.org.

School: General Information

Please provide the full school name as you wish it to be listed in official promotional materials.

Please enter your school theater web page or specific theater website here.
School Contact Info

Program Contact Information
Please let us know who are the main players involved in the planning of your production. Indicate who our primary contact should be. Note: The information requested below is your personal contact information, apart from the school's indicated above.

Please list a student liaison from your program to assist in communicating to their peers about opportunities offered throughout the year. This can include social media efforts and student communication for workshops and ticket offerings.

Note: If your Primary contact is not the Program or Musical Director, please enter their contact information in the first Additional Contact group below, not in any repeated section.

Program Information

Does your theatre program have a specific/separate website? Enter it here!

Production Information
Enter the information for your production here. 

Please list the full title of your production, as listed in your rights agreement.  This title will be used in our press releases and promotional material, please make sure it is correct.


The purpose of the pre-evaluation is to provide feedback prior to the opening of your production and give an informal congratulations to the students on their hard work. Spotlight Education offers two models for a pre-evaluation that a school can choose from:

  • Spotlight pre-evaluator visits during the rehearsal process of your production to workshop or engage with your students in a specific area of your choosing.
  • Spotlight pre-evaluator visits during a final technical or dress rehearsal for your production and gives verbal feedback following the run.

Please make your selection below. Note: A pre-evaluation is optional and does NOT count as an honor-determining evaluation.  

Pre-evaluation rehearsal process visit dates
Please list two preferred dates for your rehearsal process pre-evaluation. 

Great! You'll be asked to list two possible final tech or dress rehearsal dates for your Pre-evaluation on the next page.
Non-Assessment Track Workshop

As a part of the Non-Assessment Track, you have the option to request a special workshop with a Spotlight teaching artist for your students. This workshop can happen in connection with a production or at a different time during the school year.

Workshop visit dates
Please list two preferred dates for your workshop. 

Technical Evaluation

The purpose of the technical evaluation is to observe and evaluate student technicians and student-led technical work for your school production based on what students have been given. Spotlight Education offers two models for the technical evaluation that a school can choose from:

  • Technical evaluator visits during a final technical or dress rehearsal of your production and observes technical students at work onstage and offstage.
  • Technical evaluator visits during a performance of your production and observes technical students at work. This can be structured in two ways:
    • Evaluator arrives at the student crew call time, observes and engages with students during their pre-show work, observes students during Act 1, leaves at intermission.
    • Evaluator arrives a half hour before the show time, observes students during the performance, connects with students after show ends before departing.

Please make your selection below.

Great! You'll be asked to list two possible final tech or dress rehearsal dates for your Technical evaluation on the next page.
Great! Spotlight will schedule your Technical evaluation based on the performance dates you provide on the next page.
Production Information - Second Production
Enter the information for your second production here.  

Please list the full title of your production, as listed in your rights agreement.  This title will be used in our press releases and promotional material, please make sure it is correct.

Traditionally during a pre-evaluation, a Spotlight Education evaluator attends a final dress or technical rehearsal to engage with your students. In this way, the purpose of the pre-evaluation is to provide feedback prior to the opening of the production and give an informal congratulations to the students on their hard work. Spotlight Education now offers alternative options for the pre-evaluation. See options below:
  • Spotlight evaluator engages during the rehearsal process of a production to work with your students in an area of your choosing. Options could include: diversity coaching, intimacy coaching, fight choreography, vocal performance, video editing, etc. 
  • Spotlight evaluator watches a technical or dress rehearsal for your production and provides verbal feedback following the run. 
  • Spotlight sends a teaching artist to lead a workshop for students in your theater program at any point throughout the school year in an area of your choosing.

If you wish to take advantage of this, please check the box and list two (2) dates that would work on the next page. Note: The pre-evaluation does NOT count as an honor-determining evaluation.  

Final Tech or Dress Rehearsal Details

Please provide two (2) final tech or dress rehearsal dates that an evaluator can attend. 

The dates you input below may have a technical evaluator and/or pre-evaluator visit, depending on your selections listed on the previous page. If you have a preference about what type of evaluator visits on a specific date, please contact spotlighteducation@hennepinarts.org.

Enter time in the following format: ##:## $$ where # = numbers and $$ = AM or PM

Performance Details - 1st Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 

For each performance beyond the first click "Add Another Performance"

Performance Details - 2nd Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 

For each performance beyond the first click "Add Another Performance"

Performance Details - 3rd Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 

For each performance beyond the first click "Add Another Performance"

Performance Details - 4th Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 

For each performance beyond the first click "Add Another Performance"

You're almost done, hit Next Page!

Rehearsal Details - Second Production

To participate in the Production Assessment you will need to have a Technical Evaluation. During the Technical Evaluation, a trained evaluator will visit during a final tech or dress rehearsal to observe the work of students and to provide insights and encouragement. Please provide two (2) final rehearsal dates that an evaluator is welcome to attend. NOTE: If you choose to have a Pre-Evaluation, please list a date that a Pre-Evaluator is welcome to attend. (These may be the same.)

Enter time in the following format: ##:## $$ where # = numbers and $ = AM or PM

Performance Details - 1st Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 
For each performance beyond the first for this weekend, click "Add Another Performance"

Performance Details - 2nd Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 
For each performance beyond the first for this weekend, click "Add Another Performance"

Performance Details - 3rd Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 
For each performance beyond the first for this weekend, click "Add Another Performance"

Performance Details - 4th Weekend of Performances
Performance Schedule: Please provide date and time of all performances for which an evaluator is welcome to attend. 
For each performance beyond the first for this weekend, click "Add Another Performance"


I ag  I agree that Hennepin Arts may use any information included in this application for publicity and promotional purposes as well as photographs or videos that are taken of the students during any Spotlight-related activity. I further agree that Hennepin Arts may utilize these images for a professional production video/photo compilation which may be offered for sale to support the Spotlight Education Program as well as any photographs or video taken of students during Spotlight activities. I certify that this musical or play is representative of our school and community standards in its use of subject matter, language and gesture. I further certify that our school has fulfilled its legal production responsibilities such as royalty payment, securing permission to produce and/or cut the script and music. I hereby state that the above information to the best of my knowledge is correct and I agree to abide by the outlined rules and guidelines. I agree to submit payment to Hennepin Arts by Friday, November 15, 2024 either by credit card or check. 


B    By typing my name below, I agree to the rules and guidelines set forth by Hennepin Arts for Spotlight Education. My typed name below serves as an electronic signature.

Participation Fees
Payment is dependent on participation in the Production Assessment Track or the Non-Assessment Track. See the breakdown below.
  • Spotlight Education Non-Assessment Track - $50
  • Spotlight Education Production Assessment Track: One production evaluated - $125
Below, choose to pay with a credit card or via invoice. Once your registration is received, an invoice* will be sent to the primary contact you listed or your credit card payment will be processed.

*Scholarships are available, please contact Spotlight Education at spotlighteducation@hennepinarts.org for more information.
Payment Options

Credit Card Payment