Prefil Section

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We could not find the Orchard ID that you entered. Please return to the previous page and try again. If you are still having problems or if you need help finding your Orchard ID please contact givinggrove@gmail.com or call our offices 816-931-3877 
New Orchard Information: 

Site Address (where the orchard will be located)

Primary Contact Info:

Orchard Information: 

Orchard Address
Primary Steward Contact Info:
When would you like a site visit?
Please give us three dates that work best for you and your gardeners, to have us come out to your orchard. The best times for us are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 9:00am and 5:00pm. (Click inside the date boxes below to bring up a calendar for easy date selection) We will contact you to confirm and schedule the site visit. 

Tell us about your potential orchard
Please give us a quick summary of the reasons you are requesting a site visit. Let us know if there is anything in particular that we can bring or prepare for.