Legal Pit Stop Registration

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Welcome to the Start Small Think Big Legal Pit Stop Registration!

The Legal Pit Stop clinic is designed to provide brief legal advice from a licensed attorney to eligible low to moderate-income small business owners. As a first step, please complete our registration form. 

When the form is completed, we will send you a follow up email to match you with a Legal Pit Stop clinic location and time. 

If you have any difficulty filling out the form, please call Kyla M. at 646-723-4054 ext. 116 and she will help you complete the registration over the phone. 


Remember you can Start Small and Think Big!

General Information

If your business is in the formulation stage, please include that in your answer below.


Please include income from all members of your household. Household is defined as any persons who either live with you and/or depend on you financially.

Household Income includes: 
  • Net Income (or Net Loss) from your business (whichever applies)
  • Employment Income 
  • Pensions/Annuities
  • Investment Income (e.g. interest, dividends)
  • Alimony/ Child Support
  • Public Assistance (e.g. unemployment, SSI, SSDI, WIC, Section 8, SNAP, TANF)
  • Regular financial support from relatives or others

Please estimate the total value of the assets that you and/or any members of your household own. 
DO NOT include the value of your primary residence and any retirement accounts that either you or any household member own.                                       

Legal Needs

Please list the organization or individual who directed you to our legal clinic