Free calculator - Duration of ISO 9001 implementation
This calculator will help you estimate the time needed for your ISO 9001 implementation.
Please enter the data only for the scope of your QMS (Quality Management System) – if your scope is smaller than the whole company, please do not enter the data for your whole company. E.g., if your company has 1000 employees, but the scope of implementation includes only 30 employees, your answer to question #1 will be “21 to 50.”
Note: we won't share your information with anyone.
Number of employees
1 to 20
21 to 50
51 to 100
101 to 500
501 or more
Number of physical locations
2 to 5
6 to 20
21 or more
Do you have any documented information like process maps, procedures, flowcharts, checklists, policies, or job descriptions?
Yes, but just some documented information, like checklists, job instructions, etc.
Yes, most of our relevant information is documented including the majority of our processes.
Are you going to use a consultant or some other in-house or external ISO 9001 expert?
Only for parts of the project.
Yes, for the whole project.
Are you going to use documentation templates for your policies, procedures, plans, forms, etc.?
Only for some of the documents.
Yes, we're going to use the complete Documentation Toolkit.
Do you have an employee who will coordinate and manage this project?
No, we won't have anyone in charge of this project - duties will be determined as necessary.
Yes, a person with little experience in managing projects whenever he/she finds free time.
Yes, a person with experience in project management; however, he/she is quite busy.
Yes, a project manager with experience in leading projects and with dedicated time for this project.
Do you have support from your senior management for this project?
No, this project will start as initiative from lower levels.
Nominally, yes, but management doesn't understand they'll have to participate and invest resources.
Yes, management has clear objectives and is aware of all the commitments required.
Does your business include any design and development of goods or services?
No, our company doesn´t design or develop any product/service, or this process is outsourced.
Yes, our business includes the process of design and development of products/services.
Estimated number of months required for implementation:
Note: If the project duration exceeds 24 months, the project will fail.
Estimated number of months required for implementation:
Note: If the project duration exceeds 24 months, the project will fail.
Please note that this estimate is calculated on the basis of normal implementation workload – that is, the implementation is done at a pace that doesn't require employees to work long hours of overtime. This kind of project could be done faster than this estimate shows, but it means that some other projects would have to be neglected, and that stress for the implementation team would be much higher.
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