Share your story

Personal details

Whichever is your preferred number


Meningitis details

Photos and Consent
If you have a photograph you would like to share, to help us use your story in the press, on social medial or on our website please upload it below and complete the permissions below. 

Meningitis Now uses photographs and video film for publicity purposes.  These images may appear in our printed publications, on our website, or both.  We may also send them to the news media.  We require your permission to do this. 
May we use your images:
Yes No
Keep in Touch
We’d love to stay in touch and share our news on how we are working tirelessly to save lives and rebuild futures through the work we do.  Please tell us how you’d like to hear from us:
We will send you occasional postal information based on our legitimate interest to communicate with you. You can change your preferences at any time by contacting us at or by updating your preferences online. Your details will be kept safe - check out our privacy policy for more details.