You have the right to appeal decisions made about your certification. You may appeal compliance decisions with core and additional criteria. If you decide to appeal a decision made by your certification team, please complete this form within 10 business days (2 weeks) of receiving your Final Audit Report. Appeals regarding compliance with the Welcoming Standard will be sent to either the Chief Program Officer or the Deputy Managing Director for review. Your certification team, the Advisory Panel, and/or content experts may be consulted for additional information and/or guidance. While your certification team may be consulted, they will not be part of the appeal decision making process.
Please list the category and number (e.g. EA2.2) which you are appealing. Please do not group appeals, even if they are covered by the same evidence. For example, if a language access policy covers EA2, EA2.1, and EA2.2, please file these as three separate appeals. When completing the appeal form, please explain the reason for appeal and upload supporting evidence.
Next Steps
A member of the Appeal Review Committee may be in contact if additional information is required to make a decision on the appeal. You will be notified within 20 business days (one month) of the decision of the appeal decision.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance completing this form, please contact Melissa Bertolo at