Barrow Cadbury Trust: Interim report (narrative)

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The Barrow Cadbury Trust aims to keep the work involved in reporting to a minimum, while at the same time collecting the information we need to monitor your grant and fulfil our mission.  So this form is in two parts. The first covers basic information about you and the project. The second invites you to upload a narrative report on progress.  Please do not include any personally identifiable information in your report.

 We do not have a fixed format for this narrative report, provided it covers the required areas. So, for example, you could upload a report to another funder of the same project, or a progress report to your Board.  If you do not already produce such a document, please use the headings below to structure your report or, if material you already have available covers some but not all the headings, feel free to submit that and a second document with any supplementary information required.

Your report should cover:
   - progress against the project plan you originally submitted to us (or against any subsequent plan you sent us).     - if you have had to change your plan, or if key dates have changed, please explain why and tell us your new timeline and activities
   - a brief assessment of the difference you think your work has made since the start of your grant (if you have started to make an impact - and we recognise that not all projects will do this until later stages)
   - how your plans for assessing the impact of your project are developing.  
   - an update on any dissemination, communications and influencing work to date, and your plans for the remainder of your grant (and beyond).

We also ask you for details of how you have spent your grant.  If you wish, you can use the Barrow Cadbury Trust's budget report form, or you may prefer your own format or to include a budget report in your main narrative.  

Once you have completed the form and uploaded your documents, click on the "Submit" button. Your completed form will appear on the screen for you to review. You can also print the form for your records at this stage.  Once you are happy with it, click the "Confirm" button.  You will receive an email acknowledgement with a copy of your form once you have successfully submitted it.  

Please use the links at the top and bottom of the page to save your form regularly to ensure you do not lose any work.  Please note that your form is not automatically saved when you complete a page and move on to the next one.  

We look forward to reading about how your project has gone.

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Organisation and project details

Your narrative report

Budget and finances

Please give the total since your grant was awarded, not the current year's expenditure.

Please tell us any significant changes not already notified to us that have happened in your organisation during the period of this report. For example, you should tell us about any changes to key personnel (staff or trustees), loss or gain of significant funding, changes to your premises, any change to your legal status or any other material change to your organisation.