Donate to Reach the World Using BRD

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Reach the World proudly accepts cryptocurrency donations! Please fill out this form to provide us with your information and/or join our mailing list for updates—then simply use the QR code, below, to make a donation. We use the BRD app as our treasury partner, which is a great resource for those who wish to easily send or receive cryptocurrency.

In 1998, Reach the World helped to invent the field of virtual exchange. Virtual exchanges—defined as sustained, technology-enabled, people to people education programs—can vastly expand the number and diversity of people who have access to profound cross-cultural experiences "beyond the local." RTW is committed to enabling all people, regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers, to have access to positive, personal global networks. 

Global competence is one of the most powerful human currencies. However, global competence can only be effectively transferred via direct human-to-human relationships. RTW was one of the first organizations to use technology to make these connections. Today, we are continuing our work throughout the U.S. and around the globe.

Building a cryptocurrency wallet is part of Reach the World's long-term financial strategy. Your donation will be held in our wallet indefinitely. RTW's founders believe in the emergent cryptocurrency market as a disruptor that will have the power to radically change the world as we know it—just as we believe that virtual exchange, when taken to scale, will have the power to do just the same.

Thank you for your support!


If you would like to receive an acknowledgement letter for your donation, please fill out all the fields, below. The Reach the World team will send you an acknowledgement letter within a week of receipt.