VAC Membership Form - Organisations

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Working for a vibrant Voluntary and Community sector, central to the quality of life in Camden


Becoming a Member


VAC’s membership is completely free and 

subscribing members get access to expert VAC information and support to help your group Develop, Connect and build Influence in Camden.

You can view a full list of member benefits on our website.


Voluntary and Community Sector organisations are eligible

for VAC membership providing that they are either based and

work primarily in Camden or a substantial proportion of service users are Camden residents.



To subscribe please complete and submit this online form. You can review your answers before the form is finally submitted.

To find out more please visit our website at

or contact

Registered Charity Number 802186. Company Limited by

Guarantee registered in England No. 2388150

Data register: Z8051722

Tel: 020 7284 6550

On this page please provide your organisation contact details and let us know in what locations you typically operate.   This is so we can add your membership record to our database and, with your consent, to our directory of community groups on OneCamden to help local residents and other local groups locate your details and connect with you.
Membership Eligibility

Organisations are eligible for VAC membership providing that they are either based and work primarily in Camden or a substantial proportion of service users are Camden residents.

Organisation Name & Contact Details

Please write the name in full e.g. Voluntary Action Camden (not VAC)

e.g. VAC

This should be the main general email address for the organisation e.g. info@////, not the email address of a staff member

Leave blank if you don't have one yet


Leave blank if you don't have one yet

Leave blank if you don't have one yet

Area of Operation

On this page we would like to know more about what services you offer and who those services are targeted at.  This helps local residents and other groups locate your details on the OneCamden directory of community groups in Camden, helps VAC understand the size and profile of the Camden voluntary and community sector, and enables us to help you connect with organisations based on their specialisms, and receive  targeted communications of interest to your sector, if you opt-in to receive these from VAC. Please try and avoid ticking every box. We want to know what you mainly do and who you mainly serve. There is an option to include specific activities in the Activity box below.
Services & Beneficiaries

Please keep this specific to what your group is setup to do. You can use the activity box below to tell us more about specific activities your group runs alongside it's core services.

Please include keywords only. This will help users searching for services and activities on our directory connect with your group more easily. You don't need to include any details about timetables or schedules as users will be referred to your website for the latest information.

Ethnicity & Faith
We want to build a picture of organisations who are only working with people of specific ethnicities or faiths. If your group works with all people regardless of ethnicity or faith, just leave this section blank.

If you work with people from all ethnic groups just leave this section blank

The information requested on this page is for internal use only and helps VAC better understand the size and scope of the voluntary and community sector in Camden.  Part of our work involves producing statistics about the local sector and publishing this in the public domain.  If we do so we will always anonymise your organisation name and any other identifying data.
Organisation Structure

Annual Income

Membership Contact
From time-to-time, VAC emails members with official company business e.g. sending out notices for the AGM. Please provide the details of the main contact person who should receive membership correspondence. Where possible, please ensure the email is their direct email address, rather than a generic email such as info@. The main contact is usually the most senior person in the organisation.

Please ensure this is the persons direct email address rather than a generic email.

Membership Declaration

Equal Opportunities

At VAC we recognise that groups and individuals within society have been, and continue to be, discriminated against. VAC opposes all forms of direct or indirect discrimination.

VAC is committed to equal opportunities in all aspects of its work, it is a condition of VAC membership that our members share our commitment to equal opportunities and that they respect our equal opportunities policy when accessing our services.

Data Protection
VAC promises to respect and keep safe the personal data you share with us on this form. We aim to be clear when we collect your data and not do anything with it you wouldn’t reasonably expect.  At the top of each page we have explained how we will process the data you provide.  You can find out more about VAC processes and protects your data in our GDPR privacy policy.


Please just write your full name here as your digital signature.