View the training online anytime. You will be emailed the training link within 1 business day of registering.
This training is FREE for lawyers through the recently launched Economic Empowerment Center (EEC) Project. It covers credit card, medical and student loan debts; screening for bankruptcy; automobile issues; screening credit reports/challenging unauthorized use; and the intersection of consumer and family law issues.
The EEC Project is a partnership led by the Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence (MSCFV) with Citizens Assisting and Sheltering the Abused (CASA), Mid-Shore Pro Bono (MSPB), and Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC). Participating attorneys must agree to accept ONE pro bono case referral from Mid-Shore Pro Bono (which covers Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, and Dorchester counties) within 1 year of this registration.
Tell us about yourself! Please type full names and addresses as you'd like communications to be addressed.