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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Page 1

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Windsor Leadership programme.

Please complete all sections and submit along with supporting documents (Biography and Photo) which we will ask you to attach at the end of this form. You may save and return to the form at any stage simply by clicking on the tickbox at the top left of the page.

If you have any difficulties completing this form please contact us at 01753 830202 or
How we use your information
We ask for business and personal information from you. The business-related information is used to manage you through the process of attending our programmes, joining our alumni group for networking, supporting our work, and supporting you with information and events around personal development. Personal data is required for security clearance at Windsor Castle, assessment of your application form and to keep in contact with you after the programme (with your agreement). Read more about how and why we use your data here.

Please provide the name on your photo ID below, if this differs from the name provided here.

Please do not list any degrees or post graduate qualifications or if you are a Fellow/Master/Member

without spaces

This enables us to keep in touch with you if you should move organisations.

'First Name' 'Last Name'

This is a look-up field. Please enter the postcode including spaces and select the address from the dropdown which will populate the fields below.

(please include your first choice below)

Page 2

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately Windsor Castle are unable to offer any parking spaces. A space may only be granted should there be a special requirement. Please contact the programme manager directly should this be the case.

Without spaces or country code, e.g., 07812345678

without spaces

Page 3

without spaces

Please enter as -

Leave blank if you do not have one.

Leave blank if you do not have one.

Leave blank if no Assistant.

Without spaces or country code, e.g., 07812345678. Leave blank if no Assistant.

without spaces

This is a look-up field. Please enter the postcode including spaces and select the address from the dropdown which will populate the fields below.

Page 4


Please include below the details of your organisation's finance department (for invoicing purposes), or alternatively your details if self-funding:

without spaces



Thank you for supplying this information. A Referee Request Form will be sent to the person whose email is provided here.

ORGANISATION INFORMATION - we request this information to help us ensure a diverse mix of sectors and organisations on our programmes.

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The information requested below is not shared with third parties, and will not affect your application in any way. Recording this information generically is important to us. It enables us to assess how diversity is changing amongst our leaders and we will report statistics within our End of Year report.


If you have selected 'Other Religion' or Gender 'Not Listed', please feel free to provide further information here.

Page 7


Please note: Programme spaces are not guaranteed until your application form and supporting documents have been reviewed by Windsor Leadership.

Your biography and photo will be included in the information circulated to all attendees prior to the programme.

File size: 200KB min. to 2 MB max.
Please include an electronic photo of yourself (head and shoulders only and high resolution). This photo will be used for your security pass.

File size: 2 MB max.
File size: 2 MB max.

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As a not-for-profit organisation it is crucial that Windsor Leadership cover any programme costs in the event of a participant cancellation. If at any stage a participant should need to withdraw from a programme, Windsor Leadership will request a replacement from the organisation (who will need to have a similar level of experience and be approved by Windsor Leadership) otherwise the cancellation policy will apply.


More than nine months 100% refund

Less than nine and more than six months 75% refund

Less than six and more than four months 50% refund

Less than four and more than one month 25% refund

Less than one month prior Unable to offer a refund

Non-attendance at the Part Two within any given notice period Unable to offer a refund

Click here to read the Windsor Leadership Terms and Conditions

Click here to read the Windsor Leadership Privacy Policy