University of Iowa - Top Hat Rebate Form
Please enter your full name
Please enter your University of Iowa Email Address
Please enter your Student ID Number
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I acknowledge that I purchased a subscription to Turning Technologies during my enrollment as a student at the University of Iowa
Please upload the required documents below
Please upload a picture of only the front of your student ID
Please only upload image files like JPG, PNG, TIF, or GIF
Top Hat Subscription Receipt - Please upload your proof of purchase
Please only upload image files like JPG, PNG, TIF, or GIF
Course Information
What are the names of the courses you used Turning Technologies in?
What are the course numbers where you used Turning Technologies? (ECON 101 for example)
What semester(s) did you use Turning Technologies in? (Fall 2018 for example)
Please enter the name(s) of the professor(s) who utilized Turning Technologies in your course(s).
Contact Information