Teen Ambassadors Application

Short Answers  - Please answer in 100-200 words


While Theater Ambassadors is intended to be a fun way to get together with other students who have a common interest, it is also intended to be an intensive learning experience. Because only a limited number of students can participate, we expect all students accepted into the program to follow a few simple rules. We ask that you and your parent or guardian read the following statement and sign where indicated. Please review the published dates on the website and mark your calendars. 

“If accepted into the program I agree to follow these guidelines:

I will make every effort to attend each announced meeting of Theater Ambassadors. If I am unable to attend a meeting, I will inform the program leader/s right away. I understand that unexcused tardies or absences may result in my being asked to leave the program.

As a member of the program, I will show my highest level of effort, dedication, and desire to learn, and I will treat other students, instructors, and guests with respect at all times. I understand that Theater Ambassadors are expected to conduct themselves as mature young adults and representatives of Trinity Repertory Company to the community at large.”