American Indian Trademark Application

Please note, you must renew your trademark every year. 

Personal Information

Rege[N]ation Pledge and Seal

The IAC Rege[N]ation Pledge and Seal is exclusively available to Native American and Alaskan Native agriculturalists -- from farmers, ranchers to harvesters and foragers, who pledge to:

  • work in tandem with my animals, land, water, and crops to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with them in-tune with the environment and self.
  • have a genuine connection with the ecosystem and the citizens of my Tribal, local, and global community that promotes its greater wellbeing.
  • promote the renewal of ancient, Native-led wisdom in my agricultural endeavors that  returns us to the type of practices that have been regenerative in nature for generations to come.
The seal and pledge elevate the story of Native American and Alaskan Native agriculture and environmental stewardship, while honoring traditional, cultural, and Native-led agricultural wisdom.

Approved Rege[N]ation participants will be evaluated annually by IAC to review the producer’s effectiveness to replace or eliminate synthetic and industrialized inputs with natural-based methods and/or traditional agricultural practices specific to the Tribal ag producer. IAC will also review contributions made towards improving the outcomes for land, water, community, and other ecological systems.

Supporting Documents

A controlling shareholder with 51% interest or more: Applies to individuals, tribes, tribal organizations, firms, partnerships, corporations, or associations applying

The information collected is solely for the purpose of IAC and will not be shared with any third party.