Complaint Form

The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) responds to complaints regarding allegations of institutional conditions “that raise significant questions about the institution’s compliance with the Standards for Accreditation.”

Please review the Policy and Procedures for the Consideration of Complaints made Against Affiliated Institutions and the Standards for Accreditation before completing this form. Both are available on the Commission website, along with further information and a list of Frequently Asked Questions About Complaints. Please note that matters that are in litigation or involve criminal conduct will not be considered by the Commission.

All institutions accredited by the Commission are required to have in place grievance and complaint policies and procedures that are well publicized and fairly administered. It is the responsibility of the individual filing a complaint with NECHE to have attempted, prior to submitting a complaint to NECHE, to resolve the matter through the institution's established procedures and processes. Evidence (e.g. appeal results) that such effort has been made must be uploaded with this complaint form.

All additional documents uploaded with this complaint must be relevant to the complaint and include page numbers.

All items specified on the complaint form are required.  Incomplete forms or anonymous complaints cannot be submitted.

Start to type the name, and then select from the list provided.

Hold down CTRL to select multiple standards

If you have questions about submitting a complaint, contact:
Dr. Carol Anderson, Vice President,