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Montecito Sequoia Sunflake

Thank you for your interest in the Montecito Sequoia Family Camp KILT Program! 

The KILT Program (‘Kamper’-In-Leadership-Training Program) is a three-week leadership course for high school students, designed to teach participants about important leadership fundamentals, the rewarding nature of hard work, and to instill the type of skills, responsibility, and work ethic we look for in members of our staff.*  

The KILT program structure consists of four parts: leadership training; assisting counselors in their activity areas; “nitty-gritty” work including camp beautification and cleaning; and free time to enjoy camp activities. There are four levels in the KILT Program – KILTs I-IV – with varying levels of responsibility. 

KILTs are assigned to KILT Cabins (male and female by gender identity) and live with either the KILT Director or a KILT Counselor (KILT Mom or KILT Dad). To apply for a KILT session you must at least be entering the 9th grade next Fall. We will be accept up to 10 KILTs in the boys' cabin and up to 10 KILTs in the girls' cabin for each three-week session.

The application below is the first step towards applying to become a Montecito KILT. Sections 1 and 2 must be completed by the KILT Applicant. Section 3 must be completed by a Parent or Legal Guardian. All fields must be answered, as applications with missing information will not be processed

A non-refundable $250 deposit is required upon acceptance to the program (Deposit payment due by March 8, 2024).  The tuition for Session 1 & Session 2 is $2,995 plus 12% tax, per KILT; The tuition for Session 3 is $2,695.00 plus 12% tax, per KILT.  Applications will only be accepted between January 1 and February 15, 2025, but note that our KILT cabins may be full prior to the Feb. 15 application deadline since we usually receive a very large number of applications and we have a limited number of spaces.

(*Please note that we do often hire former KILTs as counselors after they have completed at least 1-year of college or 1 year in a full-time job after graduating high school.  However, we only choose those candidates that we feel are the best fit for our staffing needs in any given year, and who we feel are mature enough to work in the professional manner we expect of a Montecito counselor; please note that graduating the KILT program is no guarantee that a former KILT will be hired by Montecito.  We know that the KILT program in and of itself is an incredibly rewarding experience for our teens on its own merits - and our KILTs agree - often telling us that their time in the KILT program is the best 3-weeks of their year). 
General Information


KILT Information

Session Preference

References (NEW KILTS are required to obtain 3 References)

New KILTs are required to have Three references fill out our KILT Reference forms.  Please indicate to your reference writers whether their recommendations are confidential or not.  

You should choose (2) two teachers/education administrators (eg. principal) with whom you have studied during the last few years.  The third reference can be a family friend, coach, former camper, or someone else who knows you very well.   

After asking your reference writers if they will be happy to provide a reference for you, please provide them 
the link to our Online KILT Reference Form or your can give them with a paper copy of the KILT Reference Form in pdf for them to fill out.  Make sure to tell them whether their recommendations are confidential or if you are retaining the right to read them.

You will find both the Online version and the pdf form of the KILT Reference forms here:

NOTE:  Your application will not be considered complete until all 3 written references are received by our office (no later than February 21, 2025).

Reference Privacy/Confidentiality:

References (RETURNING KILTs)

Returning KILTs: Please provide two or three MS Counselors or Managers names for reference here that you feel know your work best at camp:

Parent or Guardian Information
NOTE:  This section of the Online KILT Application is to be completed by Parent or Legal Guardian
Parent or Guardian

Parent or Guardian #2

(000) 000-0000

KILTS are actively engaged in sports and unorganized play while at Montecito Sequoia.  KILTS and Parents need to be fully aware of the program and understand the risks involved in participating in such a program.  KILTS are asked to notify the KILT Director, a counselor, or the camp nurse or doctor (aka "Bandi"), if they are fatigued, ill or injured.  KILTS agree to cooperate in Health and Safety standards as set forth by Montecito Sequoia.  Any care required outside of our infirmary, for special health services, or prescriptions, will be paid by the KILT or Guardian.  In case of accident or sickness, Montecito Sequoia has my authorization to secure such medical attention at a hospital or emergency clinic, as is deemed necessary.  All KILTS must complete and submit our Health Record Form.  By initialing below I confirm that I have read the application form, KILT Literature and agree to conform to the regulations of Montecito Sequoia.  I acknowledge the $250.00 application fee is required and I will be contacted for payment options.  The fee is to be paid upon acceptance into the program.   I also agree that the camp may use any pictures taken of my child during camp time, and that the camp directors reserve the right to refuse any KILT application, and/or to dismiss a child from camp without refund for misconduct, and/or disrespectful or unsocial behavior.  Additionally, I agree to cover any excessive damage (eg. caused by vandalism) to the KILT cabin caused by my teen and/or their cabin mates (costs to be split by all KILTs in the cabin if a particular person(s) cannot be determined).  Montecito reserves the right to inspect any KILT's personal belongings if we suspect that banned items have been brought to camp.