Minnesota Business Venture - Student Staff Application

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Teens wearing blue MBV t-shirts pose for a photo, sitting on a bench or standing and smiling.
Minnesota Business Venture's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Communication Specialist (CS), and Operations Associate (OA) applications are open until April 4th, 2025.

Click here to read the role descriptions for each position. CEO is on page 1; CS is on page 2; OA is on page 3.

Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Answers on written application
2. Letter of reference
3. Evaluation by your CEO/RBL/MBV staff from past years (on file in office)
4. Ability to attend the entirety of MBV as well as required training
Part 1: Student Information
You must attend MBV as a camper before you can apply for student staff! Click here to go to the student application form instead.

Part 2: Professional Reference Information

Part 3: MBV Promotion Duties
Part of business is networking or sharing contacts and resources. First: share this information with two students, tell them about your experience, and encourage them to attend. Ask them for permission to share their email to receive MBV materials. Then, talk with two teachers from your school, or community leaders, and ask for permission to share MBV materials.

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Minnesota Business Venture's Chief Executive Officer (CEO),Communication Specialist (CS), and Operations Associate (OA) applications are open until April 4th, 2025

Click here to read the role descriptions for each position.
Part 4: Your Qualifications
Please read the job description for your desired position before answering the following questions.

Part 5: Student Staff Scenarios
Please choose THREE of the below scenarios and explain how you would handle the situation. Describe your initial steps, how you would respond, and finally, state your action plan.

Part 6: CEO ONLY Student Staff Scenarios
IF APPLYING FOR A CEO POSITION: Please complete the below scenarios and explain how you would handle the situation. Describe your initial steps, how you would respond, and finally, state your action plan.

Part 6: CS ONLY Student Staff Scenarios
IF APPLYING FOR A COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST POSITION: Communications Specialists create external messaging through blog posts, a video slideshow, and social media to develop storytelling experiences at Minnesota Business Venture. Please identify which are you are most interested in specializing: Writing, Video Production, or Social Media.

Part 6: OA ONLY Student Staff Scenarios

Once you hit submit, your application will be sent to MBV staff who will review and contact you. If you have any questions, please contact mbv@bestprep.org. Applications are due April 8, 2024.