GREAT Theatre | Audition Form

Performer Info

Under 18

Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2

Audition Info

Please attach a front-facing picture of your head or head and torso, with just you centered in it. A photo from your phone is perfect (JPEG recommended - max upload size 8 MB)
Play Role Year Theater Director


Rehearsal Schedule & Conflicts
Our rehearsal schedule is below. Please mark any conflicts you have with these dates. Rehearsals are extended once onstage at the Paramount the week of the show. Please check your calendar and check any dates when you cannot attend a rehearsal, so we can schedule rehearsals for specific scenes to minimize conflicts. Not everyone will be called for every rehearsal.

Rehearsal & Performance Schedule
Please closely review our rehearsal and performance schedule below. 

Schedule Your Audition
Please select one time slot you are available to audition. 

Your Selected Audition Time
Choose only one time slot, or your application may not be processed.  You will receive an email confirming your slot after submitting the form.


Click "Submit Audition Form" only once and wait for your request to submit before closing this window. There may be a short delay of up to 5 minutes as the form validates and processes your request. 

If you have any questions please contact