EMPOWER Logo - four hands joining with text "Empower Center - a comprehensive health center for people in prostitution and survivors of sexual violence"
You may check both
mm/dd/yyyy format. If you do not know the client's DOB, you can enter 01/01/1900

We provide services for all clients, regardless of insurance. If you are unsure if the client has insurance, choose "Not Sure"
Please be advised: We provide legal, medical, and social services to survivors of ST, CSE, and people with experiences in the sex trade. For survivors of other forms of sexual violence, we are only able to provide oby/gyn services.
Please note: we no longer provide psychiatry services as part of our mental health services.
Please send release and any other supporting documents to empower@sffny.org. Please include the date of the referral and the name of the client being referred.