A Call for Faith Community Offerings & Resources

Please fill out the survey below. Your responses will help Interfaith Philadelphia create a Interfaith Resource Guide and better understand how faith communities are adapting and how we can support them during these challenging times.

Please note: Resources or offerings listed as "Only open to my congregation/community" OR "Only open to those in our faith tradition" will be shared anonymously, with no contact or community information provided.

Thank you, and be well!
Contact Details

Are you and/or your religious community offering any virtual worship services, classes, faith reflections, best practices, workshops, counseling opportunities, etc. right now?

If yes, please list what resources you're offering and who they are open to.

Please note: Resources or offerings listed as "Only open to my congregation/community" OR "Only open to those in our faith tradition" will be shared anonymously, with no contact or community information provided.
Resource #1

Resource #2

Resource #3

Resource #4

Resource #5