Nonprofit New York Training Proposals

Training Description

Nonprofit New York is seeking proposals from individuals or groups who are interested in leading professional development trainings/webinars. This opportunity is open to nonprofit staff, consultants, and others. Please note: Nonprofit New York does not compensate trainers and we have a strict non-solicitation policy (below) for presenters.

Proposals are reviewed on a quarterly basis for consideration to take place the following quarter from when they were received. Reach out to if you have any questions.

You may submit more than one proposal.
Presenter Contact Details

Co-Presenter Contact Details

Please provide a reference who has seen the presenter's speaking skills:

Presenter Demographic Information

Nonprofit New York Policies and Practices

Non-Solicitation Policy

Nonprofit New York's educational workshops and trainings are learning experiences and are thereby non-commercial. Although presenters are welcome to provide contact information and distribute basic information about their organization or firm, or to mention an offering as an incidental part of a larger presentation, under no circumstances should a session be used as a forum for direct promotion of a speaker's products or services for monetary self-interest. Only 4% or less of the total workshop should be devoted to basic information about your organization or firm (appx. 5 minutes out of a 2-hour workshop, for example).


Please note that while Nonprofit New York trainers/presenters are not financially compensated, they do receive significant publicity exposure before, during, and after the session.
Presenters will:
  • Meet all deadlines (providing descriptions, A/V and set-up needs, presenter bios, handouts, etc.)
  • Notify Nonprofit New York immediately of any changes of availability or changes of presenter(s)
  • Honor commitment to provide quality educational program and handouts
  • Observe the non-solicitation policy (described above) (SIGN BELOW)
  • Adhere to any Nonprofit New York Codes of Conduct when interacting with Nonprofit New York staff, members, or audiences (includes training participants, board members, and any guests in our physical or virtual spaces).
  • Agree to be photographed and included in Nonprofit New York's communications platforms, including - but not limited to - social media, (including but not limited to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.) and all websites and media platforms controlled by Nonprofit New York, for the purpose of marketing and promoting the Presentation. (to opt-out, please sign below)
  • Agree to any recordings being added to Nonprofit New York's online Knowledge Center.
  • Promote the event in advance through Presenter(s)’s networks, such as email, social media, word of mouth, etc.
  • Agree that Nonprofit New York's evaluation process, as administered by Nonprofit New York staff, is the sole evaluation tool for all Presentations. 
  • Comply with all the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation granting Nonprofit New York permission to distribute Presentation materials to attendees in print and/or electronic format.
  • Provide a template, resource or written summary of the Presentation, including key takeaways, lessons, and resources, and grant Nonprofit New York unlimited permission for publication in Nonprofit New York’s monthly newsletter New York Nonprofits, in Nonprofit New York’s Knowledge Center, and/or for distribution through social media and website channels, at Nonprofit New York’s discretion.
Nonprofit New York will:
  • Provide meeting room and refreshments for in-person Presentations, and webinar or recording access via Zoom or similar webinar platform for webinars and recordings.
  • Promote Presentation in its discretion through Nonprofit New York electronic marketing and offer Presenter professional exposure to the New York City area nonprofit community.
  • Manage registration of Presentation attendees.
  • Provide logistical support, including with registration, room set-up, handout assembly when requested, and minor A/V and technical support as appropriate to the Presentation type.
  • Reproduce Presentation materials prepared by Presenter(s) if submitted by agreed upon deadlines.
  • Conduct evaluation process and provide summary, anonymous Presentation evaluation results to Presenter(s).
  • Provide attribution to any Presenter Content if published in Nonprofit New York’s monthly newsletter, Knowledge Center, or distributed on social media or website channels.


Please contact

Thank you for your interest in supporting Nonprofit New York's work to strengthen and unite New York nonprofits!