Fellowship Application 2020/21
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
I have submitted an application to the Pardes Year Program 2020/21 for:
Full Academic Year (September -May)
Fall Semester Only
Spring Semester Only
Fellowship applications will be considered only if a completed Year Program application has also been submitted. Link to the application
I applied to study as a:
Full time student (30+ hours/week)
Part time student (20-29 hours/week)
Candidates may apply for ONE of the following Fellowships.
For a description of the requirements of the Fellowships, see www.pardes.org.il/year under the Fellowships tab.
Pardes European Leadership Fellowship
Pardes Social Justice Fellowship
Pardes Arts & Culture Fellowship
Pardes Makhloket Matters (Constructive Disagreement) Fellowship
Pardes Hasidism Research Fellowship
Pardes Sexuality and Gender Research Fellowship
Pardes Talmud Skills Research Fellowship
Please note that Fellowships are limited in number. The applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
Pardes European Leadership Fellowship
Please describe the greatest opportunities and challenges that you see in your local Jewish community. How do you envision your time at Pardes impacting both your personal growth and communal leadership? What do you hope to contribute?
Attach your CV
Pardes Social Justice Fellowship
In what ways has your Jewish identity intersected with your social justice activism? How do you envision your experiences at Pardes impacting your future work in the social justice sphere?
Attach your CV
Pardes Arts & Culture Fellowship
Attach your CV
Attach your portfolio or sample of your work, indicate a link to your work or email ilana@pardes.org.il
In what ways do your Jewish and artistic identities intersect, if at all? Please describe your vision for integrating immersive Jewish learning with a personal creative project. What do you hope to learn from the experience? How might you help to foster a spirit of creativity within the Pardes community?.
Makhloket Matters Fellowship
Please describe a circumstance where there was a passionate disagreement around an issue, and your involvement helped the participants reach an amicable resolution. What are some of the challenges you have faced in trying to talk across political, denominational or religious lines? How might you help foster a spirit of constructive disagreement and healthy dialogue within the Pardes community?
Attach your CV
Hasidism Research Fellowship
Please describe your previous experiences with academic research, writing and editing. What level of familiarity and understanding do you have with Hasidism? What aspects of the focus on Hasidism research specifically appeal to you?
As part of the application process, we ask that you submit an example of your previous research work. Please describe the project here.
Attach your CV
Upload a sample of a previous research project
Pardes Sexuality and Gender
Research Fellowship
Please describe your previous experiences with academic research, writing and editing. What level of familiarity and understanding do you have with research on sexuality and gender? What aspects of the focus on sexuality and gender research specifically appeal to you
As part of the application process, we ask that you submit an example of your previous research work. Please describe the project here.
Attach your CV
Upload a sample of a previous research project
Pardes Talmud Skills
Research Fellowship
Please describe your previous experiences with academic research, writing and editing. What level of familiarity and understanding do you have with curriculum development and writing, and specificaly with digital and online learning? What aspects of the focus on Talmud skills research specifically appeals to you? How would you describe your familiarity and comfort level with Talmud study?
As part of the application process, we ask that you submit an example of your previous research work. Please describe the project here.
Attach your CV
Upload a sample of a previous research project
Financial Information
Fellows will receive $300-$500 per month towards living expenses. The exact amount awarded will be determined by financial need. Please complete the following questions about your income and expenses. Enter all amounts in US dollars. (Enter "0" if necessary)
A. Total earned income during the past 12 months
B. Total amount of other financial support during the past 12 months (family, student loans, etc.)
Please itemize sources and amounts:
C. Total expenses during past 12 months:
D. Total savings from all sources:
E. Projected income and/or other financial support for the period of study at Pardes
Enter the amounts you expect to receive while at Pardes from the following sources:
Earned income:
Parental support:
Other scholarships and/or loans:
Masa Israel Funding
Amount of Masa Israel Grant received:
Amount of Masa Israel needs based scholarship received:
I am not eligible to receive Masa Israel funding.
Reason for ineligibility:
Additional Information
Please describe any special circumstances or considerations which should be taken into account when we review your financial information.
Interest Free Loans
Pardes also offers interest free loans for tuition and living expenses to eligible students.There is a maximum 24 month repayment period, with minimum payment $100/month, starting 4 months after the program ends.
Are you interested in receiving an interest free loan for living expenses, in addition to scholarship?
Amount of loan requested (US $/month)
Are you interested in receiving an interest free loan towards your tuition balance?
Amount of tuition loan requested
Contact Information
POB 8575, Jerusalem 9108402 Israel |
+972 2 673 5210 |
+972 2 673 5160 |
228 Park Ave S Suite 35858 New York, New York 10003-1502 |
+1 212 447 4333 |
+1 212 447 4315 |