Project Camel (Medical or Mental Health Providers)


watchLAB welcomes you to the online survey!

  • Topic: Medical or Mental Health Providers (e.g.physicians, specialists, surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, physical therapists, or similar)
  • Incentive: $400 (mailed check)
  • Side note: we are also conducting separate interviews for medical office staff (medical assistants, medical billers/coders, etc). Feel free to let them know. Incentive for them would be $175
  • Dates/Times: Various times available between Monday, June 1st -  Friday, June 5th. More dates might be added if needed.
  • Type of study: Remote individual interviews on Zoom
  • Length of study: 1 hour and 15 min
Before you get started -- some stuff you should know:

The world has Swiss Banks. We have our Online Community. Both are highly confidential and secure -- only with us, you don't have to worry about retina scans and fingerprints. Any information you share with watchLAB will never be given to any clients or third parties without your explicit permission as part of a paid market research study. 

Ready to start the survey?
Note:  After you fill out the survey, we will review your responses. We will then call you to verify your responses and ask you some additional questions to determine if you qualify.  Please note that simply filling out the survey does not automatically qualify you for the study.
Contact & Basic Info
What is your...
Lets get started! For this study we are interested in speaking only to those in the medical / mental health field

   I’d like to ask your personal opinion of different types of delivering care. When answering please think about your opinion over the past year, not just right now. For each care modality, I mention, please tell me whether your opinion of that modality has been...


§ Very favorable

§ Somewhat favorable

§ Completely neutral

§ Somewhat unfavorable

§ Very unfavorable


For the past year, what has been your opinion of…?

Very Favorable Somewhat Favorable Completely neutral Somewhat unfavorable Completely unfavorable

   Now, thinking again about the different types of delivering care mentioned in the previous question, what is your experience, if any, with each type, using the key below:

             1 = I have no experience at all delivering this type of care

             2 = I have recent experience with delivering this type of care due to COVID-19, BUT no prior experience with it before COVID-19

             3= I have prior experience delivering this type of care before COVID-19, BUT no recent experience with it since COVID-19

             4 = I have BOTH recent experience with delivering this type of care since COVID-19 AND prior experience with it before COVID-19

1. 2. 3. 4.


For this study we are looking forward to talking to people via a video call as conversations are better when we are able talk to people face to face. Taking into consideration Covid-19, we would like to conduct this via video instead. The following questions are related to technology.