BSWC Host Site Application Form

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Big Sky Watershed Corps (BSWC) Program Focus

The Big Sky Watershed Corps is an AmeriCorps program that invests in Montana’s watershed communities to make a measurable difference in local conservation efforts while strengthening the experience of young professionals. The Big Sky Watershed Corps is a partnership among the Montana Conservation Corps, the Montana Watershed Coordination Council, and the Montana Association of Conservation Districts.

MCC values diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism. We affirm the dignity and value of all human beings. We celebrate the diverse backgrounds and identities of our corps members and staff. It is our priority to create a culture of safety, belonging, and validation for everyone, especially those facing marginalization. Social justice is both a process and a goal. We are focused on identifying and interrupting oppression and prioritize partners that uphold these values. 

Host Site Selection Criteria & Expectations

  • Designate an on-site Supervisor who will attend Supervisor orientation in January, and provide a minimum of 5 hours of supervision/direct contact time per week. Supervisors are responsible for regular meetings with the Member to monitor and ensure result-based progress. Supervisors will also sign member time sheets, participate in conference calls and complete all necessary program reporting.
  • Provide the Member with adequate office space, telephone, computer and internet access, and financial support for travel expenses incurred.
  • Clearly identify projects and goals that will fulfill an unmet need, positively affect the community and provide a valuable experience for the AmeriCorps BSWC member.
  • Help recruit potential Members and complete interviews and reference checks of prospective Members.
  • Provide the Member with a thorough orientation to the community and organization’s philosophy, program, policies, board members and staff. Include the Member in appropriate meetings, retreats, and community events to help connect to community partners.
  • Encourage and support professional development opportunities for the Member, such as conferences, trainings, workshops and other opportunities to network with watershed professionals in Montana.
  • Share success stories and help promote and support the program as appropriate.
  • Allow Member to attend four required program trainings:  Orientation in January (3 days), Education and Outreach in February (3 days), Service Symposium in March (4 days), and Technical Skills training in May (4 days). All travel costs will be provided for these trainings, but please know that Members will be away from host sites during these trainings.
  • Site Supervisors will provide immediate oversight and complete two written member performance evaluations over the course of the year; one at mid-term and one at the end of the term.

Salesforce Static Fields - Change Yearly! 

Eligible Host Site Projects

During their term of service, Members work on a variety of activities that should fall into one or more of the BSWC programmatic goals described below, but they may focus on specific areas as well.  Applications able to address all program goals and a connection to local communities will be given priority in site selection.

  1. Watershed Health and Protection: Members develop projects to protect local water resources. Their activities may include: watershed inventories; restoration; drought planning; water quality/quantity monitoring; soil health; stream, habitat and riparian restoration; re-vegetation projects; riparian fencing; local river clean-up efforts; abandoned mine reclamation; irrigation infrastructure improvements; aquatic invasive species; and more.  Host sites directed by Watershed Restoration Plans or that incorporate aspects of the State Water Plan may be given priority. Members are required to track the miles of restored streams, data points collected and/or projects implemented.

  2. Watershed Education and Outreach: Members play an integral role in helping to promote watershed health and natural resource conservation through outreach and education. They may reach out to Montana watershed communities through lessons in elementary and high schools, community field days, workshops, and trainings. Members may develop curriculum; focus on local issues with local solutions; implement outreach campaigns, newsletters, websites and media for communities; and organize public meetings and events for community stakeholders. Members track the number of students and community members (beneficiaries) who receive and benefit from these education and outreach efforts.

  3. Volunteer Generation and Capacity Building: Members may host volunteer trainings and events that relate to watershed health and protection. They may focus on engaging volunteers for major community events as well as recruiting a long-term, skilled, and influential volunteer base. Members may help create dedicated volunteer stream or snow monitoring teams; design and lead youth-focused volunteer events to get young people involved in experiential, field-based activities, and inspire a new generation of local landscape stewards. Members track participation through volunteer satisfaction surveys for every event they organize and implement.

AmeriCorps Prohibited Activities

AmeriCorps prohibits their members from participating in several activities (see below). Not all prohibited activities are listed. For more information, please review the BSWC Site Supervisor Handbook.
  • Participating in religious activities or, partisan political activities during designated service hours
  • Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials
  • Engaging in any efforts to influence legislation, including state or local ballot initiatives
  • Administrative work, unless it directly relates to the member’s approved direct service activities
  • Assignments that displace employees
  • Remote Work/Teleservice -- AmeriCorps members should generally be providing service directly to the people and in the communities where they serve rather than performing service remotely. Therefore, teleservice should be rare, if ever, and involve appropriate documentation, supervision and oversight.  Teleservice is appropriate only when the activity can be meaningfully supervised and the hours verified independently and should only be a small portion of the member's total hours.

Roles and Responsibilites

  • Selected BSWC Host Sites will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Agreement that identifies the roles and responsibilities of each organization.
  • Designated Site Supervisors and Members must pass a criminal background check.
  • MCC will provide a monthly living allowance, health insurance and workers compensation for approved Members.
  • Program partners will provide orientation, training and ongoing professional technical support and guidance to Members and Supervisors.

Electronic Signature agreeing to terms.

Host Site Information

60 character limit

Secondary Host Site

Secondary Host-Site Supervisor

Host Site Organization

Use the 'Add Another Position' button to add your second "position" for the other members with different expectations. For example, one or two members might be doing Education and Outreach in the community and the other two are doing ArcGIS work.

List the top three specific skills and qualifications that will best suit the project and host site needs.

Project Description

If you plan to host more than one BSWC member, please specify the differences in project descriptions for each member.

Supervision and Funding

Site Supervisor Understanding