The Forge Initiative Newsletter Signup 2024 


Thank you for your interest in staying in contact during this transitional period for The Forge Initiative!  Many volunteers are working hard behind the scenes to get us into our next facilities. 

Please fill out the form below to sign up for The Forge Initiative's newsletter!

We'll keep everyone posted on our status, and you're welcome to follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
If you have questions or if you'd like to be part of the transition to new facilities, send us an email - we would love to have more people join our journey! 

Bonus Section If You Wish To Participate!
We call this diagram our "Vision Blocks" - the types of activities that we feel can come together within an Open Innovation Tech Space in the NC Triangle.  Where people of all ages and backgrounds can explore and learn collaboratively and in the same space. Where innovation happens.

Forge Vision Blocks
What Interests You?