P500 Grant Application 

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Part A

Details of applicant organisation
Contact person
About your organisation

Is your organisation...
Your organisation must be endorsed as a DGR 1 to be eligible to apply for the P500 Grant.

Part B

The project
Only one $68,000 grant is available for the P500 grant round. Please read the information about the program on our website to ensure you understand the application process.

Part C

Project details
Please complete the Project Plan in the Excel spreadsheet provided. You will have an opportunity to upload this Excel document later in this form. Please note there are 3 worksheets to complete - Budget, Narrative and Project Plan.

Part D

Project budget
Please upload our Excel template showing your project budget.

Recognition of grant
Reporting and grant acquittal
The Geelong Community Foundation will require a Grant Acquittal including photographs as appropriate on completion of the project. An audited report covering budget and actual costs may be requested for certain projects. It should be noted that in some cases, a Foundation Board or staff member may request an on-site review of the funded program.

Page E

Certification and privacy
The Geelong Community Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that all information provided in relation to this grant application is kept confidential. During the assessment process however, the Foundation may need to collect, use and disclose information about your organisation and the project to third parties. This information could be passed on to the Board of the Foundation, its officers and agents or external people to assist in assessing the grant application.
I am authorised by my organisation named in this application to make this application on its behalf. I confirm that my organisation agrees to the terms and conditions relating to grants of the Geelong Community Foundation detailed in the Grant Agreement.

The applicant acknowledges that the Foundation is under no obligation to make a grant even though the applicant meets all the guidelines and eligibility requirements.