YouthBuild Application

Please complete all sections. Direct questions to the Tree Trust YouthBuild Staff at 612-590-3916.

Program Eligibility Questionnaire

Tree Trust is a nonprofit organization that provides employment training to youth and young adults. The YouthBuild Programs serves eligible young adults.

*****YouthBuild is limited to applicants who meet all of the criteria above.  Please contact Tree Trust at 952-767-3880 to find other programs you may be eligible to join.  

Applicant Information
Emergency  Contact Information
At Risk Information

Funds for this program are targeted to serve youth who have a disability or qualify as low-income or at-risk.
Income Information
This information in needed to determine your eligibility. 
Do you and/or your parent or guardian receive any of the following types of assistance?
Family Information
For the questions below include as income: gross wages, net self-employment income, alimony, Social Security benefits, rental property income, pensions, dividends, interest on savings, training stipends, grants (excluding Pell Grants), railroad retirement benefits, strike benefits, net gambling or lottery winnings. DO NOT include as income: any form of public assistance, Supplemental Security Income, unemployment compensation, child support received, loans, one-time gifts, lump-sum inheritances, withdrawals from savings account, tax refunds, one-time insurance payments or compensation for injury, payments made on behalf of a foster child, the sale of property, HUD rental assistance programs.
Do not include your income in this number

I give permission for the Department of Employment and Economic (DEED) unemployment Insurance Division (UI) to release information in the way described on this form. The specific data or types(s) of data that DEED Unemployment Insurance Division may release are wage and employment records. I agree to let DEED UI release these data to the Workforce Center System for up to three years. I understand that YouthBuild program staff needs to collect the data in order to determine outcomes for YouthBuild programs. I understand that, whether or not these data are released to YouthBuild Program staff will not affect my participation in the YouthBuild program.  *If you are under 18 years of age or not your own legal guardian your legal guardian will verify this consent in the e-signature forms that will come after this application received.

After submitting your application you will receive an email with forms that need to be signed either by you (if you are over 18 and your own legal guardian), or by you and your legal guardian.  If you do not receive that email with 24 hours please contact our office.  Please click SUBMIT below to complete this portion of your application.