Since 1964, NCCJ has honored local leaders with the Citation Award in recognition of their extraordinary efforts to build a more respectful, fair, and inclusive community for all of us - not just some of us.
To identify deserving candidates, NCCJ welcomes nominations from communities across the Triad. To be considered for the 2025 Citation Award, your nomination form must be submitted by midnight (12 PM) on Monday, March 24, 2025. Nominations received by this date will be considered by the Citation Award Selection Committee (nominations received after this date will be considered in the following year). In April,
NCCJ’s Board of Directors will formally select the honoree based on the recommendations presented
to them by the Selection Committee. Nominators will be notified soon after.
Note: Want
to nominate someone but don't have all the information you need to
complete all the fields on this form? Please go ahead and submit this form with
the information you do have, then contact Alison Whitman Jones at or 336-272-0359
x 130 to talk about what else NCCJ may need to know about your nominee.