About You

Your name above should match the name on your passport

We're asking for this information so we can refer to you how you want to be identified.

Birthright Israel Experience

Professional Experience

Shipping Info
To help elevate your Shabbat experience, OneTable will be sending you a box of Shabbat supplies. Please enter a shipping address below where you will be able to receive packages. *As part of the training program, it is required for all participants to host a Shabbat dinner on the OneTable platform. For more information, refer to the Shabbat Training FAQs

Session Selection
The Shabbat Leadership Training Seminar will require attendance at two separate 90-minute sessions. Each session will be offered twice, providing you a choice of date/time preferences. Please choose from the Session 1 and Session 2 date/time options below. If your schedule offers flexibility, you may choose multiple date/time slots for each session. We will then place you in the session of our choosing, enabling us to form balanced session sizes.