B'nai Jeshurun — Pay Your Balance

Please use this form for payment of open balances only. If you wish to make a separate gift, please go to bj.org/give.

Thank you for paying your open balance. If you need assistance with this form, please call the BJ office at 212-787-7600 x302, or email us at advancement@bj.org.

Your Information

Payment Amount

Thank you for your payment. This payment will be applied to your open balance. 

Payment Information

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RABBIS: J. Rolando Matalon, Felicia L. Sol, Rebecca Weintraub • HAZZAN: Ari Priven
Synagogue: 257 West 88th Street (between Broadway and West End Avenue) • Community House: 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024-1705 • Tel: 212-787-7600 • Fax: 212-496-7600