
**Only Accepting Applications for Intersections with Existing Traffic Signals/Controllers**

Complete as much information as possible. Incomplete or missing information will cause delays in processing your request. Examples of unmetered load include traffic signals and streetlights.
Project Information

Device Information
If device is not previously approved, attach data sheet.
Load Type/Device Number of Devices Wattage/Demand (kW) Operating Schedule
SFPUC Streetlights
Are there SFPUC-owned lights to be removed as part of this project?

If yes, fill out the SFPUC Streetlight Removal Request here: 
Contact Information

Other: Role/Relationship to Project
Applicant Information
Company/Agency Name

Invoice For:

Owner/Developer Information (if different from Applicant)
Company/Agency Name

Invoice For:

Representative Information (if different from Applicant/Owner)
Company/Agency Name

Invoice For:

Plan Drawing

Site Plan

Device Datasheet

Applicant acknowledges that this Application is subject to the SFPUC's Rules and Regulations Governing Electric Service that can be found at https://sfpuc.org/ElectricRulesBy clicking "Submit" below, I agree that the information contained in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any changes made to the above information or attached documents may increase the time required for SFPUC to provide electric service at the requested service address.