Achievement Awards Application
- Youth Organisations

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Contact Details

E.g. Centre Manager, Admin

Enter as follows; Area code / local number (e.g. 0208 2528000)

Organisation Details

This should be the most senior person within your organisation

This should be the most senior person within your organisation

This should be the most senior person within your organisation

This should be the most senior person within your organisation


Which London Borough or Essex District is your establishment in?

Organisation Details

Please provide details

How many staff do you have?

Please tell us about your finances for the last 12 months

Application Details

As you selected 'Other' from the above options, please provide further details. Please use no more than 50 words

Please use no more than 500 words

Please use no more than 500 words

Please use no more than 500 words

Please use no more than 500 words

No more than 500 words
Referee Details
You must provide an independent referee. This should be someone with professional experience of the work you do with young people e.g. a teacher, social or youth worker, or a police officer. The referee must know you and your organisation and be able to recommend your application. Their professional email and telephone should be provided.

E.g. Deputy Head, Secretary, Head of Year

Terms & Conditions

Information provided for applications cannot be held confidentially.

From time to time the Jack Petchey Foundation shares applicant information with other funders, our PR agency and third parties for the furtherance of JPF activities. JPF will usually contact applicants before disclosure is made, but this cannot be guaranteed.

If any information provided during the application process is confidential, please ensure this is clearly identified as such.

If your application is successful, you are required to provide:

1. Your latest signed approved accounts (i.e. accounts signed by your Trustees and Auditors if relevant)

2. Your Constitution or Memorandum & Articles of Association (signed and dated)

3. An original copy of a recent bank statement (dated within last 3 months) showing account name, account number and sort code.

Tick this box to tell us that:

1. The information that you have given on this form is true and accurate and that you agree with the above.

2. The Chairperson of your organisation is aware that this application is being submitted on behalf of your organisation