Reel Opportunities Registration Form

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Si vous préférez obtenir cette information et communiquer avec nous en français, veuillez s’il-vous-plaît envoyer un courriel à et nous vous répondrons sous peu.


Our workshop schedule is currently fully booked. So unfortunately, we cannot accommodate requests for a live workshop at this time. By filling out this form, you will be automatically added to the waitlist.

School or Organization Information

Please note: The "School Board" option is to be used if you work at the board-level, and are interested in hosting multiple workshops across your board, or sharing the information with multiple schools.

Thank you for your interest in our Reel Opportunities programme! 

While we don't have any plans in the near future for a live Reel Opportunities workshop for interested individuals like yourself, we can offer you a link to watch our wonderful pre-recorded workshop for free. The recording is 46 minutes in length and features young professionals in the Canadian film and television industry sharing their experiences.

If you would like to order our pre-recorded workshop, please complete this form.

Contact Information

Example: (555) 555-5555 x1234

In case we need to reach you urgently or you prefer to be contacted directly.

DVD Mailing Address

The Workshop

Time Commitment

Each workshop requires a brief 10-15 minute call a few days before the workshop between the teacher and one our Reel Opportunities coordinators. The workshop itself will last for 60 minutes. 

To keep our programme free, we also ask that you complete a brief 10-15 minute feedback call and fill out one of our programme surveys in the week following your workshop.

Please select your TOP THREE date + 60-minute time slot combinations as options for your workshop. The more options you can provide, the better we can accommodate you.

Standard sessions are about 60 minutes long, but can be shorter if you'd like. 

If you are unable to select specific dates at this time, please let us know your approximate date and time preferences in the text field at the bottom of this page. 

We will be running workshops through the entire 2024-25 school year, but please note the following blackout windows, when we will NOT be offering workshops:

Fri. October 11 - Mon. October  14, 2024
Mon. December 16, 2024 - Fri. January 10, 2025
Fri. February 14 - Mon. February 17, 2025
Mon. March 24 - Fri. April 25, 2025
Fri. May 16 - Mon. May 19, 2025
Mon. June 30 - Tues. July 1, 2025

Please do NOT choose the dates listed above, as we will not be offering workshops during these blackout windows. 

Example format: 2:00 PM || Workshops are approximately 60 minutes.

Example format: 2:00 PM || Workshops are approximately 60 minutes.

Example format: 2:00 PM || Workshops are approximately 60 minutes.
Note: Multiple classes can participate in a single session. However, if you wish to have workshops for separate classes, please submit a separate form for each workshop.

Based on your class' level of interest, your group may be well suited for our advanced workshop! This workshop focuses more on in-depth Q&As with our guest, features a scene break-down, and includes an advanced interactive quiz to further engage students. We recommend it for students who are more familiar with film production and the Canadian film industry.

Each workshop will provide an overview of various jobs in the film industry, and then feature a conversation with a working film & TV industry professional. If you have a particular job area or department that your students would be especially interested in, please let us know in the box below. For some ideas, here are a few of the possible specialty areas:
  • No specific focus required (extended overview only)
  • Production management
  • Sound (design/recording/mixing/editing)
  • Cinematographers and camera crew
  • Assistant directors
  • Art department (costumes/sets/props)
  • Hair and makeup departments
  • Grips/Gaffers (technicians who support the camera crew and lighting department)
  • Animators and visual effects
  • Film editors
Please note: Our ability to satisfy your request for specific roles is entirely dependent on the availability of qualified guest speakers. If your request isn’t available, we will make as appropriate a substitution as we can.

Is your internet connection stable enough to run a video call? 
Is the internet connection at your school/meeting place stable enough to run a video call? 
In general, is the internet connection in your community (i.e. at your students' homes) stable enough to run a video call? 
Please note: It may be prudent to plan extra time for the session in case the session skips or cuts out temporarily.

Film Screening

The REEL OPPORTUNITIES experience may be more meaningful if students get to watch a Canadian film! 

You can do this any time leading up to your screening or afterwards. 

We will provide you with an educational streaming link that will be active for seven days from the date you specify. 

Great! Once you hit submit on the next page, you will receive a link to the order form for our Lending Library. Please click through and complete that second form to make your selections.

Demographic Information

A condition of our funding from the federal government is that we ask the following demographic questions, in order to ensure we are reaching diverse audiences. Please note that these responses will not affect the content or delivery of the workshop, but are strictly for reporting in aggregate to the government.

If you don’t know exact percentages, that’s fine — rough estimates are perfectly acceptable.  

If you're strongly opposed to answering any of the demographic questions, please email, so we can submit your registration manually.

Before exiting,
please make sure to click "Save my progress and resume later" above, and follow through with the questions needed to save the form.  







What language(s) do your students speak AT HOME? 














The Ministry of Canadian Heritage defines this as "An individual other than an Indigenous person, who is non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour."

The Ministry of Canadian Heritage defines this as "Persons who have difficulties with daily living activities, or who have a physical, mental condition or health problem reducing the kind or amount of activities they can do."

The Ministry of Canadian Heritage defines this acronym as "Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and additional people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities."
Since you said that you were interested in screening a Canadian film as well as hosting a workshop, once you click submit, you will be redirected to our Lending Library Order Form, prefilled with information you already entered. This same form will also be sent to you by email within the next few days.