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College Track High School Bank Book Request Form

What is Bank Book?

Bank Book is a merit-based scholarship earned by College Track students when they are in the College Track high school program.

Bank Book is intended to reward students for meeting program expectations and encourage habits that will serve them well in college.

Students accrue their Bank Book funds by submitting their grades, attending College Track programming, and completing service hours, while in the high school program. 

Who is eligible for Bank Book?

Current CT High School Students in the Spring term of their Senior year may access their Bank Book fund for undergraduate, college-related expenses (tuition & fees, books & supplies, and required materials) to be paid towards earning your bachelor's degree.

College Track does not pay high school students directly for Bank Book. This means no direct deposit or personal checks prior to July 1 after they graduate high school.

Please apply below to determine your award eligibility.

If awarded, when will I receive my Bank Book funds?

Please note that Bank Book is not intended to be used for urgent payments.  Urgent payments include payments that are due within two weeks.  If you have an urgent payment, please reach out to your CT College Counselor.  Please visit the CT website under Financial Aid & Scholarships for a Bank Book payment schedule, including average payment processing times.

Form Assistance

If you need help completing the application, please contact your CT College Counselor and they can help you.  If you have any other questions please email

Begin your Bank Book Request

Enter your Date of Birth and Email Address below to start your request.

Please use the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Enter the email address you use for College Track communication.