Membership Application Form: 

Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise (with annual income £10,000 or below)

£10 Annual Charge

Community Resource is a membership organisation and company limited by guarantee. By becoming an individual or organisational member of Community Resource you guarantee that in the event of the company being wound up you will pay the sum of £1 toward its debts, should you be asked to.

Keep in touch with us

Our members receive email bulletins about our services which include support they could benefit from, grant opportunities and updates on our charity activities including fundraising appeals. You can unsubscribe at any point through a link in the footer of the email.

We may occasionally contact you about our charity work separate to our email updates. Please indicate below that you are happy for us to do so.

You can change your mind at any time by contacting us on 01743 360641 or

Your details are safe with us. Check out our Privacy Policy for more details.

Privacy Statement

Unless you have given us express consent to contact you for other purposes, we only hold your personal data for membership administration, sending newsletters and to meet our legal obligations to maintain a register of company members. Under Company Law we are required to keep your company membership details while the membership is current and for 3 years after membership expires. 

We keep your information safe and secure, and we do not sell any personal details to third parties. For further information on how we manage personal data please see our Privacy Policy, or telephone 01743 360641 and ask for a copy to be sent to you.