SAAMA Mentorship Programme Application Form – Mentee
Thank you for applying to be a SAAMA mentee. Please see the mentoring guideline document for further information. The information contained on the completed form is confidential and will not be shared with any persons other than the Mentorship Committee.
We request that you complete this form as fully as possible. The information you provide will help us to match you with a mentor that has the experience and skills that best meets your development needs.Information collected will be in compliance with the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act, tick below to accept.
Personal Particulars
Please add any other reason(s) not listed above.
3. Please identify your development areas/gaps that you require mentorship:
Other (please specify):
8. General comments that you feel are important for us to know
10. If yes, may you please indicate in what area was the mentorship focused on?
I acknowledge that any personal information supplied to SAAMA is done so voluntarily to facilitate the processing of this application. I furthermore acknowledge that the information provided by me, is to the best of my knowledge both true and correct, and I understand that any incorrect or inaccurate information or documentation submitted may adversely affect the manner in which SAAMA processes my application to be a mentee. DisclaimerThe information you are voluntarily providing will be used to help assist us in achieving our mentorship programme goals for SAAMA.
The information collected will be used in accordance with the POPI Act and will only be shared with the SAAMA Mentorship Committee.
Contact Information