Dispose of all perishable, open and expired foods. (check all drawers, pantry, refrigerator and freezer) *You may leave it if the food/drink is unopened and not expired*
Check that the coffee maker is empty and clean out interior
Wipe out and disenfect refrigerator, freezer and microwave.
Remove any debris and wipe the oven and stove clean.
Wipe down and clean all counters.
Open all drawers/cabinets to check for any items out of place, trash, etc.
Gather all hand soap dispensers and place in prominent area for RMG staff to gather
Disinfect sink.
Vacuum/Clean floors (under all furniture with clearance to do so).
Vacuum/Check Under Couch Cushions.
Check fold-out couch and clean/change linens as needed
Check cabinets for any remaining personal items.
Clean the mirror.
Clean the inside and outside of the toilet.
Sweep and "mop" (Swiffer with wet pads) floor.
Disinfect the counters and sink.
Set out clean towels. *If applicable make pile/bag any towels that need to be laundered for RMG staff to retrieve
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